5.4.1 Kitar Semula Air

Kitar Semula Air

FABU sentiasa mengambil berat dalam penggunaan air secara lestari. Beberapa inisiatif telah diambil seperti kempen, sticker penjimatan, serta mengitar semula air hujan. 

 Tuaian air hujan

Tempayan tuaian air hujan untuk tujuan berwudhuk di surau lelaki di Aras 1, Blok B05.

SDG Berkaitan

The related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be identified as follows:

1. Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation - Rainwater harvesting helps to ensure access to clean and safe water for various purposes, thereby promoting sustainable water management.

2. Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - By implementing rainwater harvesting, FABU contributes to the creation of sustainable and resilient cities, ensuring adequate water supply and reducing pressure on existing water resources.

3. Goal 13: Climate Action - Rainwater harvesting helps mitigate the impacts of climate change by reducing the demand for freshwater from conventional sources and promoting water conservation.

4. Goal 15: Life on Land - By reducing the dependency on groundwater and surface water sources, rainwater harvesting protects and preserves natural ecosystems, promoting biodiversity and sustainable land use.