
The following subjects are available for study as a foreign language:

    • German

    • Spanish

    • French

    • Mandarin

    • Bahasa Malaysia

The following subjects are available for study as a First language

  • Malay

  • Mandarin

Mandarin will also be available for study as a Second Language from August 2022.

Some students have elected to self-study another IGCSE First language to support the development of their home language - please note this is dependent on CIE offering the syllabus in our region.

Placement into First, Second or Foreign language will be made in accordance with the school's language policy. This takes into account a student's years of study of a particular language as well as their home language. A student will be placed, by the school, into the appropriate course to ensure sufficient challenge and uphold the academic integrity of the programme.

If you have any questions regarding studying Languages at Uplands, please contact Ms. Cecile Karrer, acting Head of MFL