High School Diploma

Students may elect to be on a High School Diploma only pathway and therefore their High School programme will not involve of any external examinations or certification courses. Students on this pathway select subjects from the IGCSE course offerings, and groups one to six in the IB Diploma framework and can also complement this with other accredited courses or self-guided electives. This pathway is designed to be as rigorous and challenging as necessary to ensure the student is met at their point of need and places the emphasis on continuous progress and learning rather than a one-off external examination.

For a comprehensive guide to the Uplands High School Diploma, please click on this link

Students will graduate from Uplands in Year 13 with a High School Diploma that is equivalent to the American High School Diploma and allows students to continue to tertiary education in many Universities around the world.

Who might consider a High School Diploma only pathway?

The Uplands High School Diploma is intended for students who:

  • Would prefer to focus on a narrower or different range of subjects, English acquisition, vocational courses, or online courses.

  • Are considering a university pathway that better aligns with the HSD (eg USA universities)

  • Does not need IGCSE certificates for their future pathways (a student could transition to the IBDP in Year 12).

  • Is joining Uplands in Year 11 (part way through the 2 year IGCSE programme).

  • Are targeting foundation or other entry pathways

  • knowing that their post secondary choices do not include university study (eg apprenticeship, military service)

  • May struggle or do not wish to meet the successful completion requirements for the IB Diploma Programme but wish to experience parts of the IB programme.

High School Diploma only students have a great deal more flexibility when deciding on the individual programmes by following this pathway. For example:

  • They can choose to pursue fewer courses at IGCSE (as long as their credit requirements are met).

  • They can choose a pathway where success is not determined by external examinations.

  • They can elect to follow fewer subjects at Higher Level than the three demanded by the IB Diploma or to study all subjects at Standard Level;

  • They can elect to study a combination of IGCSE / IB Certificate courses and other options

University Admission

University admissions requirements differ depending on the region or country in which the university is located, the course that the student intends to study, and the university’s own unique admissions policy.

In general, universities throughout the world accept the high school diploma as a sufficient credential to enter an undergraduate program, but will likely put forth admissions requirements that may include a minimum grade benchmark, prerequisite course requirements for some majors/courses, or external exams such as the SAT or ACT. For students who plan to study some selective majors/courses in university, such as Medicine, Sciences, or Engineering, a high school diploma may limit their choices, particularly if they plan to study in the UK or Europe. Generally, students who plan to study at a UK university would take the IB pathway for a more straightforward and successful admissions process. For students who plan to study in the USA, Canada, Australia, and some parts of Europe and Asia, the high school diploma (usually coupled with an SAT or ACT exam) is generally sufficient for most majors/courses. The high school diploma is also generally acceptable for apprenticeships, vocational training, community colleges, and specialty schools such as hospitality or art institutes.

When choosing the high school diploma pathway, particularly if choosing to opt-out of IGCSE and IB exams, students should consider their post-secondary aspirations and plan accordingly. Since every university has its own unique admissions requirements, students should refer to the specific admissions criteria set forth by their prospective universities. The Uplands University Counselor will also be able to personally guide and advise each student on their options and choices.

High School Diploma and University Acceptance.webm

Watch the video above for an explanation of the High School Diploma from our University Counselor Ms. Joyce Orobello

High School Diploma Parent and Student Guide

Uplands High School Diploma Parent and Student Guide