Subject Choices

High School Diploma Subject Choices

For students joining in Year 10

When selecting subjects for the High School Diploma only pathway, students need to ensure that their programme will meet the minimum requirements for the diploma. The information below outlines the compulsory subjects that need to be taken at least at the High School level (this will follow a modified IGCSE Curriculum and assessment programme - all assessments will be internal by the subject teacher). Students are also able to take up to two additional subjects to complement their chosen pathway. Students taking the High School Diploma only pathway from the beginning of Year 10 will have a meeting with a subject advisory team (the Head of Year as a minimum) to map this pathway. 

*If you are considering moving to the High School Diploma after Year 10, please contact your Head of Year to discuss your subject choices and how your current programme can be adapted including the IBDP. 

Mandatory Subjects

* Malaysian passport holders must take Malay Language

** Foreign vs First language pathways will be determined by the school based on which choice provides the most appropriate level of challenge for the student in line with our commitment to academic integrity. 

Additional Subjects

In addition to the mandatory subjects that ensure successful completion of the High School Diploma, students may wish to pursue up to a maximum of two additional electives 

Building a High School Diploma Programme

The document below is a visual representation of a High School Diploma programme. This document is built in collaboration with the student over the course of the 4 year programme. 

High School Diploma Credit Count template