
IGCSE Subject Choices at Uplands

Below you will find a brief overview of the subjects that make-up the IGCSE programme at Uplands. As the IGCSE curriculum forms the first two years of the Uplands four year High School Education, we strongly recommend students select subjects that will create a well-rounded portfolio associated with academic success. This will ensure they meet the requirements of the High School Diploma as well as providing a pathway into the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Students may choose to take only some subjects to IGCSE certification and other subjects could be on the non-certification pathway.

For more information about each subject, click on the link to take you to the subject information page.

Mandatory Subjects


  • Physical Education

  • Knowledge Perspectives (an precursor to IBDP core programme)

Optional Subjects

In addition to the mandatory subjects, you must also select a second language and a humanities. We strongly recommend an Arts subject as well to create eh best pathway through to the world renowned International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

* Malaysian passport holders must take Malay Language

** Foreign vs First language pathways will be determined by the school based on which choice provides the most appropriate level of challenge for the student in line with our commitment to academic integrity.

Provisional Year 10/11 Course Selection

Required Courses

All students must study the following subjects: English (pathway choices below), Mathematics , Science (selections below)

Non Examined: P.E.& Knowledge Perspectives

Elective Courses

Elective Course Selection: students select 6 courses from the options below. A minimum of one from each Group is recommended.

Note: Students need two checks for coordinated science. At least one science is mandatory, two are recommended.