Lab 8

EE 421L 

Authored by:

 Johnathan Widney -

    Benjamin Molina - 

    Matthew Lord - 

5 December, 2023


Going through Tutorial 6 on Dr. Baker's website. Note, half of Tutorial 6 was covered previously in homework assignment #5 in EE 421 class. This lab will cover the second half of that tutorial. 

For reference, we will be continuing the tutorial from this step, the extracted view of the padframe. 

<  Schematic view of a single pad

Symbol view for a single pad >

< Schematic view for the padframe

Symbol view for the padframe >

Schematic view of the chip

Layout view of the chip with the above components

The rest of the tutorial requires extracting, DRC-ing, and LVS-ing the layout, however, as of Dec 1 of this year, UNLV's licenses for Cadence expired, and thus we are not able to verify, DRC, extract, or LVS any layouts. This will conclude the prelab portion. 

Lab Work

Below will detail the schematic and layout of the individual components we will use in the chip. At the end, we will show the schematic and layout of the completed chip. 

Schematic and layout of Ring oscillator

Schematic and layout of inverter

Schematic and layout of NMOS transistor

Schematic and layout of PMOS transistor

Schematic and layout of 2-input NAND gate

Schematic and layout of 2-input NOR gate

Schematic and layout of 25k resistor

Schematic and layout of a Voltage divider (25k and 10k)

Schematic and layout of a charge pump

Schematic view of our chip (similar to the tutorial, but with additional components, as shown)

Additional components: 2-input NOR gate, and a charge pump.

Layout view of the chip

This is a diagram of the chip's pins, below are the connections we have for each pin. Note, pins that have no connection will be marked "NoConn":

Instruction of operation: 


The chip must be grounded, this connection will be pin 20. Failure to connect the gnd! and various VDD pins (either no connection or connected to an incorrect source) will result in the chip malfunctioning and operation results are not guaranteed. The chip could become damaged as a result of these pins not being properly connected. 

Also as a general rule, inputs and outputs should not be mixed. 

Zip files and backup

Backups were performed by creating a Google folder and uploading screenshots and files to the folder seen to the left. 

Downloadable zip file here: