Lab 1

EE 421L 

Authored by Johnathan Widney -

7 November, 2023


Reviewed webpage editing and established CMOSedu account. 

This lab is an introduction to creating and publishing html lab reports and webpages, as well as a tutorial on installing and using Cadence software. It will closely follow Dr. Baker's Cadence Tutorial.   

Lab Work

Tutorial 1 walkthrough

First starting with removing the .rul files in the CMOSedu home directory, this was done on a Mac using FileZilla: 

Replacing the previously deleted files with the newly downloaded and extracted zip files: 

Openning Terminal (on Mac) to remotely launch Cadence server via secure shell (ssh):

Once in the server, changed directory to CMOSedu, a subdirectory of the root $HOME directory to safely operate and store files:

After running the Cadence software, created a new library called "Tutorial_1":

Ensured that the "Tutorial_1" library was successfully created by viewing the file directory of CMOSedu in the cds.lib file via FileZilla:

Back to Cadence, creating a new file, this will be the new schematic to create the virtual circuit (a voltage divider):

Upon creating the blank schematic, pressing "i" (for 'instance') to configure and create a pair of resistors valued at 10K Ohms: 

In addition to the resistors, followed the same process to create a ground node and a 1V dc voltage source. Pressing "w" to create connecting wires. Finally pressing "L" to label the "in" and "out" wires. Resulting in a fully assembled schematic:

After hitting the "check and save" button (the floppy disc with a check mark), then went to Launch > ADE L to launch Cadence's SPICE simulator, Spectre. Once it loaded, clicked on Setup > Simulator/Directory/Host to ensure spectre was the selected simulator:

Once verified, went to Analyses > Choose and selected tran (transient analysis), and set the simulation time for one second:

Next was selecting outputs to be plotted, this was done by going to Outputs > To Be Plotted > Select On Design, this brought up the schematic, and by clicking on the "in" and "out" wires until they were highlighted red, went back to the ADE window to ensure the outputs were properly selected:

Before processing a simulation, I made sure to save the state of the design, this was done by going to Session > Save State and selected the "Cellview" button: 

One last step similar to the previous was loading the State, it was the same process as saving, just a different menu selection. The current state was already in-processed, so skipping this step wouldn't have negative effects (I still chose to load the state anyhow). The final step was simulating the circuit, this was done by pressing the green button on the ADE window, but could also be done directly from the schematic window. The following result was what I got: 

Zip files and backup

During this process, I was operating on a Mac for the simulation and remote access, I took screenshots of major steps in the tutorial, and uploaded them into a Google Drive folder, reconfigured the image file type, then accessed these files on a Windows PC to upload them in the folders connected to the ftp server for this webpage.

In addition to the frequent uploads to Google Drive, I also did backups of the htm file for this page by emailing myself regularly updated versions of the file.