NEWSLETTER #35 06-16-2024

This Newsletter is the Last One for This School Year and it is Dedicated to All Our Students, Parents, and Teachers. Celebrating our PreK students and teachers who have taught for the first time in the Lobby of the United Nations to celebrate the International Day of Peace, an amazing project collaboration between UNICEF and UNIS; celebrating our students and parents who have joined in the Rose Garden at the UN to play and laugh; to all our students who overcame challenges during their sport ...

NEWSLETTER #34 06-09-2024

As the echoes of the J4 graduation linger in our hearts, we gather to share the moments that made this event unforgettable. Graduation is a time to celebrate the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and growth. It's a time to honor the achievements of our students, the support of their parents, and the guidance of their teachers. Last Friday, our J4 students stood proudly on the stage, sharing their speeches and memories. The event was highlighted by various speeches, including mine...

NEWSLETTER #33 06-02-2024

Through the long days we have been together I have been through so many fun things with all of you. Like the UN field trip. On that trip we learned not only about what the UN does for people, and how it helps the world, but we also learned about human rights, and how even though we are not all living equally, we all deserve these basic human rights, and they should never be denied to anyone no matter their age, race or gender. In my junior school years I have learned what our school stands fo...

NEWSLETTER #32 05-27-2024

André Malraux was a French adventurer, novelist, and statesman. Born in 1901 in Paris, he grew up in a rapidly changing world. Malraux sought action and meaning in life. He traveled to Cambodia, fighting against colonial exploitation, and later joined the Spanish Civil War, standing against fascism. These experiences forged his belief in the power of human will and creativity to defy fate. Malraux saw art as a defiance of the inevitable. He believed that through art, humanity could challenge ...

NEWSLETTER #31 05-19-2024

This wednesday morning, as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, I drove Lucy to school. It was 5:50 a.m., and the world was still waking up. The road stretched out before us, winding through the countryside, not far from the ocean. The sea Hemingway loved so much. The air was crisp, filled with the scent of salt and the promise of a new day. Lucy sat beside me, her eyes bright with curiosity and excitement. She was eager to share what she had learned about Rosa Parks. "Do you know about Rosa...

NEWSLETTER #30 05-12-2024

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid ...

NEWSLETTER #29 05-05-2024

Do you know Vincent? Vincent who? Vincent Chin? Back in 1982, the United States' industrial sector was sharply declining, a situation worsened by the economic recession of the early '80s. The once-thriving auto industry saw its unemployment rates skyrocket from 3.8% in 1978 to 24% by the end of 1982. Simultaneously, Japan's economy was on the rise, solidifying its position as the world’s second-largest economy. This dramatic juxtaposition fueled anti-Japanese sentiment in the U.S., which unfo...

NEWSLETTER #28 04-28-2024

Last Thursday, our school community had the privilege of witnessing an extraordinary presentation by Zeineddine, a T1 student whose courage and compassion truly stand out. Zeineddine, was in 2017 one of our peacekeepers of our junior school. Zeineddine shared with our J3 and J4 students his documentary project titled "The Lost Jews of Pakistan," a profound narrative set against the backdrop of Karachi’s historical complexities. During his family's visit to Karachi last December, Zeineddine di...

NEWSLETTER #27 04-22-2024

Every year, our school offers a unique and valuable experience through the UNIS Gala fundraising initiative: the chance for a student to become Principal for the Day. This opportunity allows our students to step into the shoes of a school leader, offering them firsthand insight into the complexities and responsibilities of running a school. It's an educational and formative experience that benefits the student leader and enriches our community understanding of school management. This year, we...

NEWSLETTER #26 04-15-2024

We hope you and your children are enjoying the final day of a restful and rejuvenating Spring Break after the wonderful Student Led Conferences in March. I am happy to share a few snapshots from the Conferences in this newsletter. It was inspiring, and a source of pride for our teachers, to see our students confidently presenting their achievements and discussing their educational goals with their families. During the break, UNIS had the honor of participating in the recording of a webinar or...

NEWSLETTER #25 03-24-2024

The Latin adage "Si vis pacem, para bellum," translating to "If you want peace, prepare for war," is attributed to Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus in his seminal work "De Re Militari," penned in the waning days of the Roman Empire. This statement, encapsulating the essence of Roman military thought, served as a guiding principle for the empire's defense strategy, emphasizing the need for constant readiness and formidable military strength as deterrents against potential adversaries. Vegetius...

NEWSLETTER #24 03-17-2024

As we step into the spring season, adorned with its vibrant palette, we extend an enthusiastic invitation to our UNIS community to celebrate Nowruz, the esteemed Persian New Year, a testament to rejuvenation and renewal with roots stretching back over 3,000 years. Nowruz, or 'new day' in Persian, coincides with the spring equinox, symbolizing the exquisite balance within the natural world as day and night meet in harmony. This ancient festival, embodying hope, renewal, and the awakening of na...

NEWSLETTER #23 03-10-2024

As part of our ongoing celebration of Women's History Month, we had the immense pleasure of hosting Gita Varadarajan, author of the enchanting children's book "My Bindi", last Thursday. Through two engaging sessions tailored for our Pre-K, JA, J1 in the morning, and J2, J3, J4 in the afternoon, our students embarked on a profound journey into the rich tapestry of Indian tradition and personal identity, led by Gita's inspiring narrative. Gita Varadarajan brought the vibrant story of "My Bindi"...

NEWSLETTER #22 03-03-2024

In September 2023, we had the privilege of meeting with Ollivier Dyens at a conference in Chicago. Ollivir Dyens is the  Chair of the Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création at McGill University. He is also the founder and co-director of McGill’s Building 21, a laboratory dedicated to exploring educational innovations beyond conventional boundaries. This innovative space is inspired by MIT's Building 20 (1943-1998), known as "The Magical Incubator." MIT'...

NEWSLETTER #21 02-25-2024

We are happy to share some important transitions within our Junior School leadership team, alongside heartfelt messages for our esteemed colleagues. Firstly, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude and best wishes to Dr. Alessandra Camilo, our Assistant Principal, as she prepares to embark on a beautiful journey of motherhood. Alessandra joined UNIS in 2018 as a J4 teacher and stepped into the role of Assistant Principal following the inspirational tenure of our esteemed colleague, S...

NEWSLETTER #20 02-11-2024

In this week's edition, we find ourselves nearly speechless, enveloped in the stunning beauty of "Mary Poppins" as performed by our Junior and Middle School students. The musical was not merely a performance; it was a profound experience that transcended entertainment, leaving us all in awe. Its magnificence lies beyond words, compelling us to marvel in silence at the extraordinary talent and dedication displayed on stage. Consequently, our newsletter is notably brief, as no string of words c...

NEWSLETTER #19 02-04-2024

February heralds a month brimming with enlightenment, celebration, and global collaboration at UNIS, marking significant strides in our journey towards a culturally rich and inclusive educational experience. Celebrating Black History Month with Ancestral Melodies: we kicked off Black History Month with the enchanting sounds of West Africa, brought to life by Yacouba Sissoko and his band SIYA. Their traditional acoustic music, featuring instruments like the kora, n’goni, and talking drum, alon...

NEWSLETTER #18 01-28-2024

Semester 1 Report Cards for Junior School students will be published at 5:00pm on Friday, February 2 on the Veracross Parent Portal. The deadline for requesting a correction for a typographical error will be Friday, February 9. Please contact by email, with a copy to your child's teacher, no later than February 9 to request a correction. We encourage you to save and review this report card with your child over this weekend to celebrate his/her achievements during this past s...

NEWSLETTER #17 01-21-2024

Our recent Parent Coffee meeting was an opportunity to have a valuable discussion about homework and our school's approach to it. We're truly grateful to all the parents who participated. Your involvement is a testament to your dedication to your children's education and overall well-being. In 2019, the Junior School embarked on a comprehensive review of existing homework research, spanning from 1800 to 2016. This intensive study was undertaken to ensure that our homework policy was not only ...

NEWSLETTER #16 01-14-2024

As I engage in the so-called "bull sessions" around and about the school, I too often find that most college men have a misconception of the purpose of education. Most of the "brethren" think that education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so that they can forever trample over the masses. Still others think that education should furnish them with noble ends rather than means to an end. It seems to me that education has a two-fold function to perform in the life of...

NEWSLETTER #15 01-07-2024

As I pen this on a Saturday morning, the palpable excitement of my daughter, Lucy, fills the air. Winter's approach is imminent, a season she adores, much like many of our students who might be secretly wishing for a snow day. However, it's clear that this sentiment isn't universal. While prepping the snow blower for any potential storms, my neighbor Diane confided her apprehensions about the very season that fills Lucy with such delight. Winter, a season celebrated with a rich diversity of t...

NEWSLETTER #14 01-02-2024

As we embark on a new school year, I'm drawn to the story of Picasso's "Dove of Peace" and its interesting connection to Henri Matisse. Their journey began in the bustling art scene of early 1900s Paris. What started as a rivalry under the patronage of Gertrude Stein blossomed into a deep and lasting friendship. This bond was uniquely symbolized when Matisse, who often kept birds for inspiration, gifted his pigeons to Picasso. This happened during Matisse's work on the chapel of Vence, a peri...

NEWSLETTER #13 12-10-2023

What a whirlwind of delight and awe we experienced at our talent show yesterday! It’s with a heart brimming with pride and joy that I extend my deepest congratulations to each of you. To our incredibly talented students, your performances were nothing short of breathtaking. The dedication, creativity, and sheer talent you displayed on stage were a testament to your hard work and passion. Watching our big brothers and sisters accompany their younger siblings in performances was particularly he...

NEWSLETTER #12 12-03-2023

Excitement is in the air at UNIS! We are overjoyed to extend an invitation to each and every one of you for the much-anticipated Junior School Talent Show. Join us on the grand stage this Saturday, December 9, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm, as our brightest young stars from JA to J4 light up the room with their extraordinary talents. Last year's show was a testament to the boundless creativity and spirit of our students. It was a moment where laughter echoed, applause thundered, and every performan...

NEWSLETTER #11 11-26-2023

Last Monday marked a special day for our school as we welcomed Emmanuel Cosmas Msoka, a young innovator whose remarkable achievements defy his age. At only 16, Emmanuel designed a handwashing machine during the COVID-19 pandemic, embodying a spirit of innovation and a deep commitment to solving real-world problems. Our school ethos emphasizes using our skills for the greater good, and Emmanuel's journey resonates profoundly with this belief. His accomplishments are a clear reminder that age d...

NEWSLETTER #10 11-19-2023

As every year,  we would like to share with you data recording the Fall 2023 Parent Teacher Conferences. These gatherings are pivotal to strengthening the partnership between you, the parents, and our faculty, and are a key component in the educational success of our students. This year, the dedication of our community was reflected in the numbers: a total of 8,086 appointments were held over three days, underscoring the commitment of our parents and teachers. During the three days of the con...

NEWSLETTER #09 11-12-2023

As we navigate the myriad mysteries of the universe, I'm often reminded of Richard Feynman, a Nobel Laureate whose brilliance in theoretical physics was matched only by his childlike curiosity. Despite unraveling some of science's most complex enigmas, Feynman found himself perplexed by the simple act of breaking spaghetti. This humble experiment, a testament to his inquisitive nature, illustrates how even the most mundane phenomena can challenge a great mind. In our 2018 newsletter, I explor...

NEWSLETTER #08 11-05-2023

Last week, our Junior School, Middle School, and Tutorial House students joined their efforts together to celebrate Spirit Week, a tradition that our eldest students have introduced and the younger ones have embraced this year. The invitation extended from the Tutorial House student council was inspired by their involvement in the Junior School Parade on UN Day, symbolizing our growing interconnectedness. Spirit Week unfurled as a tapestry of shared joy, each day offering a new opportunity to...

NEWSLETTER #07 10-29-2023

Wednesday through Friday, November 15 - November 17, will be the opportunity to meet with your child's teachers for our traditional in person Parent Teacher Conferences. You will find below some important information regarding this important event. 20-minute Conferences with the Homeroom Teachers and Mother Tongue Teachers may cover: Check-in: Information gathering: This is an opportunity for teachers to hear your experiences as a parent, taking into consideration your child's journey on an e...

NEWSLETTER #06 10-15-2023

In a world that is tormented by chaos, last Monday morning at UNIS brought me a sliver of hope, a reminder that humanity still had the potential to unite, to understand, and to heal... On that Monday, a palpable heaviness hung in the air, thick with the heartbreak and sorrow of recent global upheavals. The heartrending scenes from Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory hadn't just filled news channels but had seeped into our very souls, making us question our shared human values and de...

NEWSLETTER #05 10-08-2023

In the past year, as I sat down to write my weekly newsletters, there was always one topic that hovered in the back of my mind, patiently waiting for the right moment. As Indigenous Peoples' Day approaches, that moment has arrived. Remember, three years ago, I was fortunate to share a story with you, one deeply intertwined with my personal journey and memories. Some of you might recall the tale of my first encounter with the Flower People of the Mentawai, not in person, but through soul-stirr...

NEWSLETTER #04 10-01-2023

From my window, the intricate dance of the clouds completely captivates me. Flying from Chicago back to New York, my thoughts are preoccupied with the insightful discussions and reflections sparked over two days at a conference I had the privilege to attend with Emilie Lauzie, the Coordinator of our French Language A Program, and Principals, Heads of School, and Coordinators from French schools accredited by the French Ministry of Education in North America. We explored the transformative pot...

NEWSLETTER #03 09-24-2023

We extend our gratitude to each of you for your active participation in the ‘Back to School Night’. It was a pleasure to see our school community come together with such enthusiasm to foster stronger relationships and celebrate the start of a new academic year. The fundamental goal of this event was to create a platform where parents could meet and get to know the teachers, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum and the learning journey that your child will embark on this yea...

NEWSLETTER #02 09-17-2023

Back to School Nights at UNIS are right around the corner! This is a wonderful opportunity for teachers and parents to come together and gain insight into our curriculum and the routines that will shape your child's educational journey this year. Join us for a reception with the Junior School Leadership before our meeting with teachers! We invite all parents to join us in the Cafeteria from 4:45 to 5:15. This will be a great opportunity to connect and engage with our school community before w...

NEWSLETTER #01 09-10-2023

When the physicist Richard Feynman observed the curious behavior of spaghetti—namely, its tendency to break into more than two pieces when bent —he was highlighting a key tenet of physics: systems, regardless of scale, from subatomic particles to everyday phenomena, obey certain underlying principles. One such principle that holds significant relevance across varied scales is the Principle of Least Action. In the quantum realm, particles don't necessarily follow a singular, straightforward tr...

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