opening lecture

University of Notre Dame, USA

Atomistic Simulations of Phase Equilibria and Fluid Properties for Process Design: What is Possible Today and What is in Store for the Future?

invited lectures

University of Notre Dame, USA

Data-to-Design: Integrating Molecular Simulations, Thermophysical Property Measurements, and Process Optimization to Recycle Hydrofluorocarbon Refridergent Mixtures

Colorado School of Mines, USA

The Intricacies of Solid Solutions of Water and Gas: Fundamentals to Energy Solutions

University of Delaware, USA

Theory and simulation studies of structure and phase behavior in polymer blends with isotropic and directional interactions

Case Western Reserve University, USA

Ionic liquids electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries: solvation and transport properties

Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Triphilic fluids: towards compartmentalised nano systems

Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain

From phase equilibria to the computational design of novel strategies for the treatment of fluorinated greenhouse gases

Texas A&M University, USA

Experimental determination of bubble points of hydrocarbons in nanopores

Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina

Modeling and computation of phase equilibria for reactive or non-reactive systems involving fluid and/or solid phases

Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil

Temperature and Pressure Induced Phase Transitions of Ionic Liquids

Columbia University, USA

First-principles-based Machine Learning: Combining Symbolic-AI with Numeric-AI

