
Photos by Guilherme Lima

Enjoy Equifase & CBTermo 2022 experiencing a connection with nature at a colonial-style-inspired, old Jesuit monastery surrounded by a tropical forest.

The Jesuit monastery is located at Itaici, Indaiatuba, Brasil, at about 40 km from Unicamp. Besides all the breathtaking natural landscape, the building has several facilities such as a large auditorium, meeting rooms, a dining hall, and about 250 bedrooms, all harmoniously disposed around beautifully cared gardens.

The Jesuit monastery became a place for retreat, meditation, and discussion of important issues, like Thermodynamics. Full of tranquility, this venue offers an excellent immersive experience, with good, truly-Brazilian, daily meals.

Because of its origin, some of the building rooms may contain sacred/religious art items. Although having excellent facilities, the monastery does not work as a hotel, therefore there is no room service available.

