Mauro Carlos Costa Ribeiro

University of São Paulo - Brasil

Temperature and Pressure Induced Phase Transitions of Ionic Liquids

Mauro C. C. Ribeiro is an Associated Professor at the Chemistry Institute of the Universidade de São Paulo, IQ-USP. Mauro obtained his Bachelor degree in Chemistry in 1989 from Universidade Santa Cecília (Santos-SP). He obtained his master degree in 1992 and his PhD degree in 1995, both from USP under supervision of Prof. Paulo S. Santos. His master studies concerned calculations of resonant Raman spectra and his PhD thesis on Raman spectroscopy and molecular dynamics of liquids. He started teaching at IQ-USP in 1996. Mauro spent one and a half years (1996-1998) as a pos-doc in the group of Prof. Paul A. Madden at Oxford University, UK, working with molecular dynamics of high-temperature molten salts. After returning to São Paulo he started working with vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation of room-temperature ionic liquids. His research concerns structure and dynamics of ionic liquids with particular focus on changes observed along glass transition and crystallization taking place under low temperature or high pressure.


