Colorado School of Mines – USA

The Intricacies of Solid Solutions of Water and Gas: Fundamentals to Energy Solutions

Amadeu Sum is Professor in the Chemical & Biological Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines) and leads the Phases to Flow Laboratory. He holds BS degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and MS in Chemical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware. He did postdoctoral work at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is a DuPont Young Professor recipient. He has been working with clathrate hydrate research for over 25 years covering experimental, theoretical, and simulation topics of hydrates in flow assurance and science (e.g., phase equilibria, kinetics, deposition, chemical inhibition/management, interfacial phenomena, multiphase flow, spectroscopy, molecular simulations). More recently, his flow assurance research has also included wax and asphaltene formation. He is author/co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed publications, a recent book on hydrates in flow assurance, and creator of two inventions. He has worked closely with industry, including hydrate JIPs and DeepStar. Presently, he leads the Joint International Research Program on Gas Hydrates and Multiphase Flow, partnering his group at Mines, Ecole de Mines Saint-Etienne (France), and Federal Technological University of Parana (Brazil).


