Academic Track with LINC

After completing Grade 10, students who enter Senior High School may choose among Sports and Art, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and Academic tracks. The Academic track includes these strands:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)

  • Humanities, Education, Social Sciences (HESS)

  • Accountancy, Business, Management (ABM)

The choice of track and strand will define the content of the subjects students will take in Grades 11 and 12. During these two years of specialized secondary education, students gain knowledge and experience relevant to their chosen track. UNC improves this specialized education further through LINC.

With the LINC program, we implement innovative learning methods that help our students gain skills needed to survive and thrive in the 21st-century workplace. The program, for instance, includes an English Proficiency course that makes students’ adept at communicating and collaborating with industry professionals.

We expose our students to workplace situations, training them to be more responsive to the changing needs of various industries today. Our facilitators don’t assess our students through quizzes and exams; instead, we grade our student outputs against today’s employment skills standards. As such, many of our graduates obtained rewarding entry-level jobs even without a college degree, while others continued their education in college seamlessly.

With LINC, we don’t just teach students; we link them to their future careers, too.

  • To utilize education as an instrument in producing graduates who are committed to be of service to God, Country and Humanity.

  • To adopt a well-integrated program that is responsive to the needs of the learners and their community.

  • To serve as a “Laboratory of life” by exposing learners to programs and instructions that will adequately prepare them to face the challenges in the tertiary level or life outside the academe.


The UNC Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand offers experiential, extensive, and a constructivist learning experience for students who aspire to work in the field of Science or Mathematics. It provides opportunities for learners to develop skills in

experimentation, quantitative reasoning, and mathematical reasoning. UNC Senior High School is also the first in Bicol to offer 2 substrands: STEM Sciences; and STEM Engineering.

The UNC STEM Engineering is a program that provides a more extensive approach in driving Mathematical skills, and knowledge of learners who aspire to become engineers.

The UNC STEM Sciences drives technological skills, knowledge, and innovative thinking amongst learners. As early as Grade 11, learners are guided and challenged how to invent, modify, and improve technologies. In Grade 12, they will showcase their outputs through

a Science Fair which they will organize and present to other classes, including the public.


General Academic Strand (GAS) is purposively designed to give students a chance to weigh options of their career preference. They get to learn and experience specialized subjects from all the other strands like business, sciences and research to name a few. This opens a lot of

opportunities which will qualify them to proceed to any college courses of their choice.


Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand focuses on the basic concepts of financial management, business management, corporate operations, and all accounting matters. In this strand, the learners will be able to analyze assets, interpret profitability, understand

financial positions, and prepare audit accounts. ABM can also lead to careers directly related to management and accounting such as sales manager, human resources, marketing director, project officer, bookkeeper, accounting clerk, and internal auditor to name a few. The ABM curriculum allows one to get a deeper appreciation of the world of accounting and business management focusing on specialized subjects. The subjects in ABM will give you the essential tools needed to succeed in the world of business.