Career & Placement Services

UNC Career and Placement Services Office

Since 2014, the Career Services and Placement Office has been helping UNC students develop and enhance their career goals. In addition to university courses, our programs equip students with skills necessary to achieve a rewarding career. Our programs include:

Career Education

Our office consists of counselors who help students choose a career, whether they already lean toward a particular occupation or have no idea about what they want to do. We use self-assessment and other career exploration tools to examine the students’ values, abilities, interests, and personality. Based on the results, our counselors either suggest career options or further help the students figure out if the careers they have in mind are, indeed, suitable for them. Our counselors guide the students in picking out majors and courses that will help meet their goals.

Our office also holds events and workshops on career exploration, resume writing, job interview preparation, and other activities that allow students to hone their skills and improve their career plans.

OJT for Undergraduate Students

On-the-job training is crucial in preparing students for the workplace. With OJT, students not only get hands-on experience in their chosen field, but they also get a chance to test the waters before deciding on a particular path they will take after graduation. In some cases, internships lead to an employment opportunity, allowing a UNC graduate to jumpstart a fruitful career early.

At the Career Services and Placement Office, we provide support to undergraduate students in search of internships. We either facilitate their internship placement or guide them in selecting a program that is in line with their career plans.

Job Postings for Graduates and Undergraduates

Every day, we focus our efforts on ensuring a worthwhile job for our graduates, with which they will begin their careers. On top of our career education and other services, we provide job postings that keep our graduates updated about the latest career opportunities in their field. We welcome postings from companies that intend to have UNC graduates in their organizations.

But here’s a disclaimer: our office makes no particular recommendations or guarantees regarding job vacancies (or employers) posted in our office. We encourage students and alumni to perform due diligence and research about the companies before sending an application or accepting a job offer from them.

Job Placement

UNC is known for its well-placed alumni; our office makes sure we continue this legacy. Other than entertaining job postings from employers, we provide job placement programs. For instance, we hold annual career fairs, which are open to UNC students and alumni. In our Career Fair 2018, we worked closely with to bring in more employers to the event, including BDO, Sutherland, IBM, and JG Summit Petrochemicals Group.

If you want to know more about what we do at the Career Services and Placement Office, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.