Community Extension Services

The community extension services of the University of Nueva Caceres are organized program lay down by ICES through its framework UNC CARES. UNC CARES stands for Understanding Needs of the Community-Collaborating Actions and Resources in Extension Services. This framework has four components; CARE (Collaborative Assistance for relevant Education), HELP (Health Education and Livelihood Program), HOPE (Honing Opportunities to Protect and save the Environment) and RISE (Raise Intended reSources in Extension). Various projects and activities are being implemented under the program components.

Description of The Office

The University of Nueva Caceres – Institutionalized Community Extension Services (UNC – ICES) is the central office and coordinating center of the university for its Extension Service Program under the office of Student Affairs and Services department. It serves as the institutional coordinating arm of various departments, colleges and student organizations’ community services. The office initiates, implements various outreach and development programs for the upliftment of the adopted communities. The different sectors of the UNC community are doing their share in rendering community service and implementing extension projects according to their respective capabilities, expertise, time availability and resources. It assists, advises, monitors and evaluates Extension Program of the university or specific department as it ties up with the Local Government Units (LGUs), Government Line Agencies, NGOs and POs. The prime concern of the office is the development of socially aware and responsible persons who are both productive and proactive in recognizing and responding to the country’s needs with consideration to local and nearby communities.

The UNC CARES Frameworks

UNC CARES - Understanding Needs of the Community Collaborating Actions and Resources in Extension for Sustainable Development

The community extension services of the University of Nueva Caceres have organized programs lay down by ICES through its framework UNC CARES. It stands for Understanding Needs of the Community-Collaborating Actions and Resources in Extension for Sustainable development. This framework has four components: CARE (Collaborative Assistance for Relevant Education), HELP (Health Education and Livelihood Program), HOPE (Honing Opportunities to Protect and save the Environment) and RISE (Raise Intended reSources in Extension). All program components are geared towards the actualization of the various services. Specific approaches and strategies will be implemented to adopted communities and institutions based on the real needs felt as expressed which are based on specific researches conducted.

Programs and Services

CARE (Collaborate Assistance for Relevant Education)

ICES values much the importance of education. This is evident in various programs that ICES is having which benefits the students, youth, and residents in its adopted schools and barangays. This may come in the form of informal or non-formal education programs. Skills training and seminars, literacy program, pre-school, remedial and tutorial or enhancement classes and values formation can be included in this service or any form that develop awareness and will affect learning.

HELP (Health Education and Livelihood Program)

ICES is committed in improving the living conditions of the residents in its adopted communities. As an intervention, health and livelihood programs have been launched in response to their needs. Health programs may come in a form of free-clinic, alternative medicines, seminars and health trainings, feeding and other health related activities. Livelihood program implementation in the adopted communities is on going that benefited in helping them cope with poverty. These can be in a form of mushroom production, gulayan sa barangay,bee culturing, hog dispersal, chicken dispersal, rent to own padyak project, rug making, etc. This program will enable poor families come up with their own.

HOPE (Honing Opportunities to Protect and save the Environment)

Environmental protection and conservation is an essential program component of the framework. Theses are programs that emphasize ecological nurturance and environmental protections. Programs allowing the partner-beneficiaries for optimum use of natural resources they have for the community prosperity while ensuring that the future of the generation to come are protected because there is ecological nurturance, accompanying the development of these resources. Environmental education, climate change, adaptation measures, and environmental rehabilitations are included in this program.

RISE (Raise Intended reSources in Extension)

Rise is a component of the framework that has the objective of raising resources to carry out the function of the ICES for its sustainability. The ICES has it's in a house volunteer program that aims to create a pool of volunteers to cater to the needs for manpower in carrying out the activities of ICES. This includes services given to the needy, homeless, orphans and deprived in need of rehabilitation or emergency and welfare assistance. ICES holds donation drives to raise the needed materials to respond to the needs of the current situation. It may come in a form of relief operations, gift-giving, medicine, food, clothing, and reconstructions of basic facilities. This includes participation in the National Schools Maintenance Week dubbed as “Brigada Eskwela” where different departments/colleges and school organizations are tapped to participate in the said program of DepEd.


The University of Nueva Caceres shall be a leading exponent of academic excellence, research, extension and innovative technology for sustainable development. It creates a nurturing academic environment and provides equal opportunities in the formation of individuals into empowered leaders, competent professionals and proactive entrepreneurs who are cognizant of our rich cultural heritage.


The University of Nueva Caceres, a private non-sectarian institution, is Bicol’s first university. Guided by its motto, “Non Scholae Sed Vitae” (Not of school but of life), and attuned to the demands of a highly dynamic global environment, the University commits itself to quality and excellent education for all to transform the youth into entrepreneurial, productive, morally upright, socially responsible professionals for a just, humane and progressive society.


  • PURSUE the nurturing and strengthening of social institutions with empowered leaders, skilled professionals, and proactive entrepreneurs for the development of the Bicol Region and the Filipino nation;

  • PRODUCE graduates who are entrepreneurial, productive, morally upright, environmentally conscious, globally responsive and socially responsible citizens;

  • PROPAGATE the culture of excellence through a continual process of introspection, integration, and improvement of programs, facilities, and services;

  • PROVIDE the University personnel with the means to enhance their personal well-being and professional skills to effectively carry out balanced curricular and development programs.


To equip UNC-ICES with appropriate structure, organization, and processes that provides an opportunity for relevant, responsive and sustainable extension services

To enhance the culture of volunteerism and service orientation, leadership skills, and engagement among the UNC community in the implementation of community extension programs.

To strengthen and deepen social responsibility through volunteerism among faculty, non-teaching personnel and students through involvement in socially relevant, politically active and environmentally conscious initiatives

To enable partner communities to organize, mobilize, use their resources and manage their own affairs toward self-reliance and community development