Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology (FTKEE)

Universiti Malaysia PAHANG (UMP)


All undergraduate students at the Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology are required to take Senior Design Project (SDP) courses which involve one research project in their respective area of studies to fulfill the graduation requirement. One project report (written according to UMP's academic writing format) must be submitted to the Faculty by the end of the respective semester. Student's performance for the SDP courses will be assessed through a fixed method and assessment format.


SDP courses act as a platform for students to perform academic research and development related to their respective fields at the Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology. The research and development conducted within the SDP courses will be supervised by appointed supervisors to help the students developed their potentials using their knowledge and skills acquired within their field.



CLO1 Apply related engineering technology knowledge in order to provide solution to practice-oriented, industrial-based and/or research-based problem. (C3)

CLO2 Investigate the problem background of engineering technology task and propose a suitable solution to the problem. (C5)

CLO3 Utilize the engineering technology tools using related software/hardware to assist the project design. (P3)

CLO4 Illustrate the understanding on engineering technologist responsibility towards the society and community. (A3)

CLO5 Organize the project development according to the engineering economy concepts and project planning schedule in a timely manner. (A4)

CLO6 Report the technical content of the project accordingly and carry out literature review to understand the project requirement. (A3)


CLO1 Analyze the outcome of the project development based on the project objectives as well as benchmark with related studies. (C4)

CLO2 Develop the proposed design of engineering technology project to solve the practice-oriented, industrial-based and/or research-based problem. (C6)

CLO3 Implement the engineering technology tools using related software and hardware to assist the project development. (P3)

CLO4 Illustrate the ethical awareness and profesionalism in providing the solution of the engineering technology project. (A2)

CLO5 Consider the impact of the developed engineering technology project from the societal and environmental point of view. (A4)

CLO6 Report the technical content of the project accordingly and carry out demonstration to prove the project accomplishment. (A3)


These courses ( Engineering Technology Senior Design Project I & Engineering Technology Senior Design Project II) are designed to expose the students to a senior design project. They have to apply all the knowledge that they have learned in the program to complete the senior design project. Each student will be supervised by at least one lecturer or two lecturers (main supervisor and co-supervisor). During the senior design project I, the students will be able to do a literature survey and prepare a draft which contains objectives of the project, problem statement, literature survey, solving techniques, methodology, and expected results, treatment of results and list of reference publications. At the end of SDP1, the students are required to present the draft in a short seminar which will be evaluated by a faculty’s panel. During the senior design project II, the students will be able to fabricate and implement their projects prototypes/models, conduct functionality testing, performance evaluation and finalize their project report. At the end of this subject, the students are required to present and demonstrate their projects in a poster presentation session which will be evaluated by faculty/industrial panels.