Components & Equipment

Components Store (E11-F08C)

Students can get the electronics components at the Components Store. If the component is not available in the store, you can consider to purchase the item and make a claim. Please consult your supervisor before making any purchase. The claim is subjected to terms and conditions. Please refer to the claim procedure.

- Person-in-charge: Mr Azri Idris (0129577916 / room no. E11-G01)

Equipment Store (E12-F19B)

The instruments and measuring devices such as dc power supply, signal generator, oscilloscope can be used at the Design & Testing Lab (E11-F09A). In case of insufficient numbers of equipments or unavailability, please refer to the Equipment Store person-in-charge.

- Person-in-charge: Mr Rezal Ariffin (0139418042 / room no. E12-G03)