Responsibility of The Supervisor

SDP Supervisors/ Projects Advisors Responsibilities

a) The supervisor may assist in detail the organizing and writing of the report. He/ she is required to guide the students and set examples when needed.

b) Since project supervision is considered as working load for the supervisor, the students should meet the supervisor at least 11 times (80% attendance) per semester.

c) The supervisor should agree on the content of the report before it is submitted by the student for presentation.

d) The supervisor should endorse on the eligibility of the student to make project presentation during the end of Senior Design Project I and Senior Design Project II. This endorsement should be communicated by filling a form and submitted to the Senior Design (SDP) Coordinator.

e) The supervisor should approve submission of report to the faculty only when the students have fulfilled following criteria:

The report is well organized, concise, grammatically correct and written m an understandable manner.

The student has followed the guidelines and quality and quantity of report set up by the supervisor.

Methods used are valid and appropriate.

Statements and conclusions are supported by observations and data.

The abstract summarises clearly and concisely the major points of the work.

The format of report writing is referred to UMP Thesis Guide or other current format as required by the Faculty.