Building Information

Educational Psychology is situated in the Education Sciences Building. Review the Campus Maps to view updated building information, including building hours:

Building Access

Education Sciences building has limited public hours. Restricted access to the building is available for students on appointment as RAs or TAs. Work with your supervisor to request permission to use the building outside of business hours.

Student Spaces

Graduate student offices are provided to students with a priority for students that are funded on research projects or teaching appointments. These spaces will be assigned before the start of each fall. Assignments are set on a yearly basis. Your advisor and program coordinator will work with the Department Administrator to request space.


Do not leave any unattended office doors open or unlocked at any time. Valuable computers, data, money, radios, wallets/purses, and coats have been stolen during brief absences. For safety reasons, do not prop open any doors. If you are found to have propped open a door your building access and keys can be revoked and the University can choose to prosecute.


Students with RA and TA appointments may have access for printing documents related to their assistantships.

Lactation Space

Lactation spaces are available for parents. Review the information on the Parent Resources page.