Psychological Foundations of Education


Faculty & program information 

Mission statement

To apply and generate knowledge of psychological processes and methodological procedures involved in learning and teaching for the betterment and improvement of humans in a wide range of situations. 

Advising Philosophy

Our program faculty members span a wide range of research approaches. Nevertheless, we are all psychological and educational scientists committed to training the next generation of leaders in the field. We do so by adopting an apprenticeship model. Although the details of this model look different for undergraduate and graduate students, the end goal is the same: to produce independent force for improving educational outcomes for all students.

Review the Psychological Foundations of Education Advising Philosophy

Current Handbook

Educational Psychology Graduate Student Handbook with graduate program information, policies, and core requirements to supplement the Graduate School Catalog

First Year Research Project

Each MA and PhD graduate student in the Psychological Foundations program area will be expected to conduct a First Year Research project.  Begun as early during the first year as possible, students will be expected to produce an acceptable written paper based on this project, by the end of the first year. The following stipulations apply:

Doctoral Prelims in Psych Foundations

All doctoral students are required to pass a written and oral preliminary examination in their major field. Review the Psych Foundations prelim exams information