Why You Should Get Involved at U-M

Getting involved in student organizations is a great way to meet new people with similar interests, gain leadership experience, learn more about a topic you’re interested in, have fun, and participate in campus, nationwide, and even worldwide events. But let’s face it, as you make the academic transition to Michigan, sometimes finding time to get involved in a student organization can become a very low priority.

However, research shows that transfer students who make connections on campus and get involved are more likely to graduate. Participating in student organizations also contributes to your overall success and well-being, and may even help you find more meaning and purpose in your Michigan education.

Michigan is more than just a degree. What you learn here outside of the classroom may be just as meaningful as what you learn inside. So before classes begin and the demands of the academic workload take their toll, make a plan for how you will engage with all the campus has to offer and how you will maximize your Michigan experience.