Sweetland Supports Your Writing

Figuring out the writing expectations at a new school can be tricky, and many transfer students find that to be one of their biggest surprises and challenges at U-M. But you don’t have to do it alone. The Sweetland Center for Writing is here to help!

At any stage of the writing process, and for any class – whether you just want to brainstorm ideas for a psychology paper, get some feedback on your history argument, or talk through the final revisions in your lab report – you can get free one-on-one help from Sweetland faculty and Peer Writing Consultants, even in the evenings and on weekends.

You can also find writing support in the many classes Sweetland offers. For example, you can enroll in Writing 350: Excelling in Upper-Level Writing. In this one-credit course, you’ll use writing assignments from your other classes as the basis for workshops and discussions. And if you’re an international student seeking more support with American Academic English, Sweetland offers a parallel class, Writing 340: Advanced Writing for International Students. All of our courses are open to students from any college or school at U-M. Here’s what other transfer students are saying about Sweetland:

  • "I feel like with the resources here I've made significant strides in my writing ability. When I have a paper coming up I actually schedule my writing around Sweetland appointments. If it's an important paper I might schedule two or three. I did that with my last sociology paper and ended up with a 95, so I was pretty happy."
  • "When I took the Writing 350, that’s when my fears got calmed. I was able to be like, 'Okay, it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be.'"
  • "What [Writing 350] does is it gets you ready to take the higher level writing classes here."
  • "Yeah, it's very—I don't know—open, non-structured, just how are we faring in our classes, why are they hard, and how do we combat that, how do we manage. It was helpful. It seemed more just like a safe place."

You will find that the people at Sweetland really want to help you with your writing. This free service can give the support you need when you need it. We look forward to working with you!