Transfer Connections: Your Support Community

Transfer Connections is a mentorship program for LSA transfer students’ that connects you with peer mentors (former transfer students) and faculty/staff mentors in order to ease your transition to Michigan. It’s like having a friend waiting for you on campus to show you the ropes.

Groups are made up of 8-12 new transfer students that share a peer mentor and a faculty/staff mentor. You’ll get to know other students and faculty/staff with similar and different interests. Being in the program will allow you to take advantage of great opportunities that most transfer students don’t notice until at least a year or more on campus. Transfer Connections helps build networks with other students, faculty and staff who can help you make the most of your remaining undergraduate career.

In addition, Transfer Connections provides programs and activities each month, designed around your interests. Every month you can count on Transfer Connections to provide a wide array of activities, from recreation-based to visual and performing arts activities.

Transfer Connections is voluntary and selective, but all new LSA transfer students are encouraged to apply. To find out more visit or