
Best Practice

  • Use the 'Add Note' functionality to document and track project notes. The most recent note will display on the Project Grant Budget Status Report, to view the full set of notes associated with a project view the P/G Info Report.

  • PI's should assign proxy access to M-Reports for relevant staff (see Assign Secondary Access to a Project/Grant).

M-Reports is a web-based report environment that provides faculty and research administrators with official and projected project/grant balances, as well as links to underlying transaction details. With M-Reports and its RTF-estimated data, it is easy to identify high-level project balances, compare expected budget, revenue and/or expenditures to actual activity; and minimize the risk of over or under spending project funds due to the timeliness of the data and the ability to add UDC’s. PI’s, with the support of research administrators, are ultimately responsible for monitoring all financial aspects of their sponsored projects and M-Reports offers:

  • Summary information for sponsored and UM-funded projects by Principal Investigator, Project Administrator, or P/G Department

  • Budget, revenue, expenditure, payroll/financial aid estimates and Unit-Defined Commitments (encumbrances)

  • Alerts, metrics and personalized reports based on user profile, user preferences and role-based security

  • Report data sourced from multiple databases (e.g. M-Pathways production, Data Warehouse, unit systems)

Useful Research Reports found in M-Reports:

Summary of Projects

This report shows a list of active projects grants by Principal Investigator, Project Administrator (SAPOC) or P/G Department. Hyperlinks in the project column provide access to individual project grants.

Spon Parent Summary

This report shows a parent project and lists the sub-projects associated with the award. Hyperlinks in the project column provide access to individual project grants.

P/G Budget Status Activity

This report shows high level budget, expense and revenue activity for a project and access to additional information through drill down hyperlinks.

P/G Payroll Details

This report shows a list of all employees who have been paid on a project.

P/G Voucher Details

This report shows a list of procurement voucher transactions for a project with links, where appropriate, to voucher images.

P/G Billing Details

This report shows a list of billing invoices for a project.

Many of the web-based reports in M-Reports offer export functionality. Make sure you are of and adhere to your units review guidelines.

Navigation Path: Navigating to M-Reports

> Wolverine Access > Faculty & Staff > Reporting > M-Reports