
The Shared Service Center (SSC) Billing & Collections Team is responsible for Sponsored Projects invoicing and collection for projects that require billing. The Shared Service Center Accounts Receivable Team performs the following functions:

  • Invoicing - The invoicing schedule is determined by the Sponsor Programs Customer Service Coordinator and is based on award type and billing requirements in the agreement.

  • Delinquent Account Follow-up – SSC Accounts Receivable collectors work with departments and the sponsor to resolve payment issues in a timely manner. Any uncollected receivables at the end of the project are the responsibility of the department so it is important to monitor outstanding invoices and follow-up with the sponsor promptly to resolve discrepancies.

Requesting a Sponsor Invoice

Sponsor Invoices may be requested by emailing The invoice must contain the following information:

  • Sponsor Billing Address

  • Name of the PI

  • Date

  • Project Grant Number

  • Description of Service

  • Total Amount Due

SSC Shared Service will process the request and submit the invoice to the sponsor for payment. The requestor of the invoice receives an email notification with a direct link to TeamDynamix for the status of the request.

When the AR invoice is entered into the system, the project receives the revenue immediately via an Accounts Receivable JE (BI Journal). Revenue that has been booked to a project by invoice does not guarantee that the Sponsor will pay the invoice. To determine whether or not a sponsor has paid a particular invoice, it is necessary to monitor the status of the invoice.

Monitoring Payment Status of Invoices

Revenue and Outstanding Invoice Payment status can be found on the P/G Budget Status/Activity report in M-Reports in the Funding Source section.

The Revenue total amount is a combination of payments received to date as well as invoices sent to date.

The Outstanding Invoices Receivable amount indicates the amount of revenue (billed invoices) the sponsor has not yet paid.

The Outstanding Receivables report in M-Reports shows open invoices and the number of days invoices have been outstanding or open.

Aging for this project (in days)

Depositing SSC Accounts Receivable Invoice Payments

SPG 519.03 Cash Management Policies requires immediate deposit of payments received. If an SSC invoice payment is received in the department / unit, deposit the check to the following chartfield:

  • Account 615560

  • Fund 99500

  • Dept 00500

  • Program 90050

Please send an email to letting the SSC AR Team know that a check was deposited, the invoice number and the cash receipt number for the deposit. This allows the payment to be posted to the invoice in a timely manner. Do not deposit the payment to the project grant (sponsored project chartfield) as this results in duplicate revenue to the project. If payment for an AR invoice is inadvertently deposited to the project grant contact for payment correction.

Collection on Outstanding Invoices

Invoice payments are due 30 days after the invoice has been processed. The collection process begins once an invoice is past due. Sponsors will receive monthly past due notices until payment is received and the balance is $0. The SSC Accounts Receivable collector begins contacting the sponsor when accounts are between 30 and 60 days past due. Collection status inquires can be sent to and should include the sponsor and invoice number.

Sponsor Contact Regarding Outstanding Invoices

The SSC Sponsored Collector should be notified of any sponsor communication regarding outstanding invoices so the information can be recorded in the Accounts Receivable system. Email information to and include the project grant and invoice number.

Viewing Deposits for AR Invoices

M-Pathways Financial users can view copies of deposits received and applied by the Shared Service Center (SSC) to an invoice on the Item Activity Summary page which contains an Imaged Document link. The link displays an imaged view of the deposit that was received and applied.

You must enter a Business Unit Federal Sponsored Activity = SPFED

Non Federal Sponsored Activity = SPNON

Customer ID = Project Grant

Navigation Path: P/G Budget Status Activity Report

> Wolverine Access > Faculty & Staff > Reporting > M-Reports > Research Tab > P/G Budget Status Activity

Navigation Path: Outstanding Receivable Report

> Wolverine Access > Faculty & Staff > Reporting > M-Reports > Research Tab > Outstanding Receivables

Navigation Path: Viewing Deposits for AR Invoices

> Wolverine Access > Faculty & Staff > M-Pathways Financials & Physical Resources System > Main Menu > Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Item Activity Summary

OARS Access for Viewing AR Invoices



It is important to monitor project revenue to ensure payments are timely and accurate and that expected revenue has been received.