Therapeutic Horticulture Committee

Thank you for your interest in the Therapeutic Horticulture (TH) Committee.  Please expand the sections below to read more information about our activities.

Overview of our volunteer activities 

Our committee’s program is a bit different from the other volunteer opportunities with MCMG.  While your gardening knowledge and master gardening training can be put to good use creating any number of actual Therapeutic Horticulture projects, a key component of this program is the meaningful way you will get to connect with a special needs, mostly elderly, population. We are a community outreach activity with approximately 20 weekly and monthly on-going programs in Montgomery County.  Most of these are at senior assisted living residences and nursing homes and several are in gardens, including the Derwood Demo Garden, which serves two autistic youth groups during the growing season along with five flowers beds dedicated to growing plants for our programs.  As well, the Plant Room at the Holiday Park Senior Center in Silver Spring serves an active senior community gardening advice and plants for sale. The goal of our programs is to bring a hands-on experience in the garden or with nature to a target audience who are either no longer able to be outside gardening or need assistance to do so.  Through projects incorporating plants, flowers, vegetables and herbs and focusing on the seasonal changes in our local environment, we hope to invigorate their senses, promote their awareness of the natural world around them, and to foster creativity and socialization. Whether making a floral arrangement of fresh or dried flowers, planting seeds in a garden bed, growing lettuces in a salad box, pressing flowers for bookmarks, or potting up houseplants, every project has an educational component with a specific topic and theme which master gardeners present to accompany the physical work product.  A dedicated group of over 100 master gardeners put boundless energy into these programs hoping to inspire and bring a meaningful experience to the people we serve.

TH is an immensely rewarding volunteer program that rather uniquely combines the pleasures of gardening with ample opportunities for creativity, teaching and working closely with other master gardeners and the programs participants.  Our programs thrive on the varied skill sets of the master gardeners in each group.   For every crafty, creative volunteer who knows their way around Michaels, loves to spray paint, and owns no less than two glue guns, there is someone else whose home garden provides amazing plant materials for projects and another person who is a wiz with plant propagation.  Bringing these skills together is what makes a great team for TH projects.  We hope this description will help you to more easily see yourself as one of our TH volunteers.

Therapeutic Horticulture volunteer FAQ 

​Therapeutic Horticulture meetings/workshops 

Each spring we host an Annual Therapeutic Horticulture Workshop geared towards interns and those who are new to and interested in learning about TH. At the workshop, we  have full demonstrations of many example projects and offer lots of tips and training from our most experienced and creative program leaders and team members. This is the single best way to jump into the work of our committee and to meet the master gardeners who are running and working at these programs throughout the county.  In late November or early December, we host a Fall meeting of Therapeutic Horticulture Program.  This is a shorter and more informal meeting than the one in the spring, but it is also a great jumping off point for becoming involved. 

How to visit or volunteer in a Therapeutic Horticulture program

See the TH Centers List below to locate programs at which you may be interested in volunteering. The Centers list shows all of the current Therapeutic Horticulture Programs, their locations, and meeting days/times. Email TH chairs, Wendy Band or Lisa Diamond to be put in touch with the leaders of any of our programs. Emailing or talking with the leaders should give you a good idea about how their specific program runs and visiting that program at an arranged date can be helpful if you are not certain about committing to monthly participation.

Location & schedule listing of all Therapeutic Horticulture programs

To review a list of our programs including venue and time, please view our program overview and list of locations.  

Here are some additional resources you may be interested in:

Click here to access the media consent and release form to be used when posting photos of TH program participants.

For more information on these programs contact Therapeutic Horticulture Committee co-chairs, Lisa Diamond & Wendy Band.