"The Seed" Newsletter

The Montgomery County Master Gardener newsletter, The Seed, is published during the last week of each month from February to December.  

'The Seed' Article Index

The Seed Index has three years of information. Its manual entries in Google Sheets highlight the various topics with links to the newsletter and indicated page number of where the information can be found.  The information is organized by tabs at the bottom of the Google Sheet in alphabetical order and by sections as specified in The Seed


Instructions on Accessing and Searching of The Seed Index

To access, please click on The Seed Index.  You can search per tab or the entire worksheet.  

Assuming that you are using a computer and a browser such as Chrome, CTRL+F (for a Windows machine) and COMMAND-F (for a MAC) will allow you to search contents within the single tab you are viewing.  

If you want to search the entire worksheet across all tabs, select EDIT > FIND and REPLACE selection.  You will not be able to edit the sheet so if you do find something amiss, please email mcmgtheseed@gmail.com with details such as the specific tab label, row, and column if appropriate.  We will fix the mistake or incorrect link.

Newsletter Archives

You may also read previous editions of the newsletter from the last 3 years by selecting the year and edition below.  Please note that newsletter editions prior to April 2021 may contain 'broken links' pointing to our legacy website.