Become a Montgomery county Master Gardener

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Montgomery County Master Gardener! 

Registration is now closed for the 2024 class.  Please continue reading to learn more about the training program and to place your name on the waitlist to be notified for the 2025 training program at the end of the page. 

About the Montgomery County Master Gardener Program

The Master Gardener Volunteer Program is a nationwide initiative sponsored by the University of Maryland Extension. Volunteers are intensively trained to share information related to home horticulture to the general public. The Montgomery County Master Gardener ("MCMG") mission is to support the Extension in the education of Maryland residents about safe, effective and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes and communities. Gardening background/experience is preferred but not necessary. What is more important to us is your willingness to volunteer hours to the Master Gardener program. 

Master Gardener Training Program

We teach our Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program once a year. Acceptance is on a first-come, first-served basis with the prerequisite of passing a background check.  It is required that class participants have an active email address and the ability to access and interact with any of the online class presentations. The cost for the training program ranges from $275-$325 per person (depending on the class format), which includes a Master Gardener training manual and other materials. 

A Master Gardener Trainee is required to attend at least 75% of the Master Gardener training classes and pass the final exam.  Master Gardener Trainees are taught about a variety of horticultural subjects by specialists, educators, and other horticulture professionals. Topics may include Botany, Lawn Care, Composting, Ecology, Native Plants, Soil Fertility, Entomology, Organic Gardening, Lawn Alternatives and more!  You can visit our Intern HQ page to see an example of a course schedule there.

Once a Master Gardener Trainee has completed the Master Gardener training classes and passes the final exam, they become a Master Gardener Intern. Interns must complete at least 40 hours of approved volunteer service before achieving the status of Master Gardener. 

In summary, to become a Master Gardener, you must fulfill the following UME requirements: pass a successful background check, complete the training, pass an exam (which is basically an exercise on how to use your reference materials that are given in the class) and volunteer the required hours.  To remain an active Master Gardener, each calendar year individuals must complete:

1) a minimum of 20 hours of approved volunteer service
2) a minimum of 10 hours of approved continuing education*
3) a background check every 3 years

*Continuing education hours may be completed through approved classes, webinars, and other educational opportunities offered by UME, eXtension, nature centers etc.

If you are interested in becoming a Montgomery County Master Gardener, please place your name on the WAITLIST to be notified when the 2025 Master Gardener Training Program is open for registration. PLEASE NOTE: Placing your name on the waitlist does not guarantee a place in the class.

Out-Of-State Transfers

Starting in 2024, all out-of-state Master Gardeners (including Master Gardeners from the District of Columbia) who would like to transfer into the Montgomery County Master Gardeners are required to successfully complete the Montgomery County Training program.  The Montgomery County Master Gardener Coordinator has reserved a few spaces for out-of-state transfers in the training program. 

If an interested out-of-state Master Gardener is current and in good standing, they may take the Montgomery County Training course at no cost.  The only cost that would be incurred by the transferring Master Gardener is the purchase of the Maryland Master Gardener manual. Applicants must provide written verification of their status. 


As with all participants in the Montgomery County Master Gardener training program, transferring Master Gardeners must complete and fulfill all the course requirements including passing the final exam and obtaining a Maryland Master Gardener manual. 

If you have any questions regarding the requirements for becoming a Master Gardener, please email the Montgomery County Master Gardener Coordinator's office at