MCMG Open Gardens

Montgomery County Master Gardeners are invited to host and attend Open Gardens to seek and share new ideas, ask questions, and expand our collective horticultural knowledge both as teachers and life-long learners.  Continuing Education hours are available for Open Garden attendees and Volunteer Hours are available for Open Garden hosts.

Event times and locations for upcoming MCMG Open Garden events will be posted on the two MG GroupsIO and The Seed newsletter (if time permits) 2-3 weeks in advance, with a reminder sent via GroupsIO message a few days before the event.

Attending an Open Garden 

Open Gardens occur periodically throughout the year as requests are received from MGs who wish to host an event at their garden. Host MGs invite other MGs visit their gardens as a teaching opportunity for the hosts and a learning opportunity for the attendees.  

Available Continuing Education Hours

Attendees may log one hour of continuing education in VMS.

Hosting an Open Garden 

The day and time of the Open Garden are decided by each host, and from experience, weekday mornings are typically the most popular, being relatively free of traffic issues.  Hosts are asked to provide a brief description of their garden for inclusion on the invitation, as well as a plant list with Latin and common names to be available if visitors ask. Refreshments are optional. 

Available Volunteer Service Hours

Hosts may log up to 3 volunteer service hours for preparation, compiling plant lists, etc in VMS. Mulching, weeding and general garden maintenance cannot be counted for service hours.  

For more information contact: Taffy Turner.  You can find Taffy's contact details by logging into VMS and searching the directory.