Volunteer Management System (VMS)

Volunteer Hours & Continuing Education Requirement

Please note, these requirements are subject to change based on MCMG Board discussion and UME Policy.  Any updates to the requirements will be communicated to all Master Gardeners.  All Master Gardeners must submit their volunteer hours and continuing education hours using the Volunteer Management System (VMS).  

Master Gardener Interns:

Experienced Master Gardeners: To continue as a Master Gardener in good standing, a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer time per calendar year is required. Additionally, you must comply with the Continuing Education Hours requirement.

Keep your contact details up to date

All Montgomery County Master Gardeners are encouraged to keep their contact details (Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email address) updated in VMS. This information is kept confidential and access is password protected.

If you have any concerns about VMS or meeting your volunteer hours requirement, please contact Steve Dubik.

State of Maryland & Montgomery County Master Gardener VMS Guidance

General information regarding VMS has been issued by the State of MarylandTraining tutorials are built into VMS to assist you.  Click on the 'Get Help' menu in VMS to access the tutorials

How to Record Your Hours

Montgomery County Master Gardeners have issued a set of VMS guidelines which contain information that is not included in the VMS online help tutorials.   Please review the Montgomery County Master Gardeners VMS guidelines prior to entering your hours into the VMS to ensure your information is entered completely and accurately

We require Montgomery County Master Gardeners to enter a unique "Site Code" when submitting Master Gardener volunteer activity in VMS. You can view a chart depicting MCMG VMS Activity and Site Code Reference guidance, which will assist you with entering your hours.  

As a reminder, Master Gardeners can claim 3 hours per event for up to 2 events per year (i.e. a maximum total of 6 volunteer hours per calendar year) for growing and donating at least a dozen plants in support of any Master Gardener volunteer opportunity, such as Grow It Eat It and Urban Gardening. Per the MCMG VMS Activity and Site Code reference guide (linked in the paragraph above), enter your hours as "Plant Production/Seed Starting at Home".

Get Help

You can change your password by using the Forgot Password button within VMS. If you are unable to logon to the Volunteer Management System, please contact your County VMS Administrator.

If you have specific issues or questions regarding the Volunteer Management System, contact your County VMS Administrator with your question.