Final Tasks 

Tareas Finales

The lowest grade of these Tasks is dropped from your final grade. 

Have you ever thought which period in history has been the most interesting or important for the improving of all living creatures and our planet? In this Tarea Final you will have the opportunity to explore this topic, select one important period in history and present your argument in class. 

The Final Tasks are the purpose and main goal of each Unit of the textbook and what guides nearly all you have learned.   

At the beginning of each Unit in your textbook, you will see at the top of the right page something that says “En esta Unidad vamos a …” (In this Unit we are going to…) and there you will see what the objective is -the Final Task- of the Unit. 

The in-class activities and most of the homework have the purpose to prepare you to complete these Tasks successfully. 

There are six Final Tasks to complete in this course. The one with the lowest grade does not count towards your grade. Thus, out of the six Tasks, five are the ones who will count in your final grade.

These tasks resemble real-life tasks and represent the culmination of what you have learned. They are an opportunity for you to show yourself and your instructor that you can accomplish something concrete and real using Spanish!