
Span 104

Remember that homework weights 10% of your final grade. Within this 10%, the following assignments have a value too. Pay attention that some assignments have more weight than others.

There are homework assignments for every day of class. These homework assignments are done online in our course on Blackboard (see Assignment Calendar for due dates or the Calendar on Blackboard) and are of different types: Más ejercicios, video, Viajar, Prueba de la unidad and En construcción.  All of them are due at 11:59PM on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, and you must make sure they are all submitted by checking they have a grade. Activitivies “in progess” will not receive credit!  

See the descriptions below.

Más ejercicios

Along with En construcción: 6%

These are the activities that will allow you to develop your Spanish linguistic knowledge such as grammar, to remember and increase your vocabulary and lexical expressions, and to learn  how the language is used depending on the context. They are the same as the Más ejercicios section at the end of your textbook and they have the same number. Instead of doing them with paper and pencil, most of them are found online on Blackboard and are automatically corrected. By doing these activities you will better learn the necessary linguistic resources to communicate in class, to do well on the Tests, and on the Final Tasks.  

Please NOTE: You have 3 attempts to do these exercises and your grade is the result of the average of the three. So, try to do your best right from attempt one and use your three attempts to ensure you get the highest grade!



Each Unit of the textbook has a interesting, authentic video that is related to the topic of that Unit. By watching these videos, you will not only learn about the cultures of the Hispanic world, but also you will be exposed to authentic language that will help improve your Spanish.

Also, you may want to write about what you learned in the video in you Reflexión cultural!



At the end of the Unit in your textbook, there is a section called Viajar (Travel) that has interesting, short and authentic (or minimally adapted) readings about a cultural aspect of the Spanish speaking world. By reading these texts you will not only learn about the cultures of the Hispanic world, but also you will improve your reading skills and your Spanish knowledge in general. 

Also, you may want to write about what you learned in Viajar in your Reflexión cultural!

Prueba de la unidad


  These are brief, online, out-of-class quizzes where you will test how well prepared you are to do the Tarea Final, and how much Spanish you have learned after each Unit of the textbook. In these Pruebas, you will also identify the songs you listened to and learned about in class. 

En construcción

Along with Más ejercicios: 6%

This is an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned at the end of each Unit of the textbook and a way to communicate to your instructor what is that you would like to learn more about. Found under Más ejercicios in Blackboard.