
Span 101

Grading Scale

A: 89.5 – 100           B: 79.5 – 89.4               C: 69.5 – 79.4             D: 59.5 – 69.4      F: 0 – 59.4

Your grade will be calculated based on the weight of the different components of the course:

You’ll have access to all of your grades for this class via Blackboard. If you have concerns about the grading of any of the components of this class, you should address them in a timely manner to your instructor but no later than the final grade is posted.  

You cannot request a review of all or large portions of completed work in this class at the end of the semester unless this work was completed after the midpoint of the summer session.

Students who fail a basic Spanish course may not proceed to the next level. They must repeat the failed course if they wish to continue. Students who receive a D may proceed but should avail themselves of Tutoring and other services since courses build on each other (what you learn in Spanish 101 will be essential to succeed in Spanish 102, what you learn in Spanish 102 will be essential to succeed in Spanish 103, etc.). 

There is no extra credit. 

Mid-term grades will be accessible to students the Friday before the last day to withdraw and receive a “W” (see Assignment Calendar).

Instructors cannot change final course grades unless there is an error. If there is an error, the student must present the graded materials as evidence of the mistake. No grade disputes will be processed during the last week of the summer session.