Participation and attendance

Note that you are allowed to miss up to 3 days of class in the semester, no questions asked. After the 3rd absence your credit for participation and attendance will be negatively affected. 

In order for you to learn, it is expected that you attend class, arrive on time, and be actively engaged in the classroom activities. 

As you may imagine, in order to learn Spanish, it is essential that you be exposed to Spanish. That is why classes are conducted entirely in Spanish. Do not despair, though as your instructor is trained to speak in a way for you to understand most or all of it. Although it may seem daunting at the beginning because you feel you do not understand much, you'll see you'll get used to it and, after a few classes, you will feel much more comfortable. Just remember that, like in any human oral interaction, it's not only the speaker's responsibility to try to be clear, but also is the listener's to try their best to get the message! 

You can miss class 3 times (the equivalent of 3 hours) for any reason (e.g., medical, transportation issues, hospitalization, jury duty, funerals, personal, family trips, emergency conditions, employment commitments, extra-curricular activities, other course commitments, etc.) without losing participation points. After the third absence, and for every subsequent absence, your participation grade will reflect that you have missed class. You cannot participate if you are not present in class. Participation points cannot be made up. Each day you are absent you miss opportunities for learning so, it is to your advantage to attend every day. Use these allowed absences wisely. 

All students must contact their instructor immediately upon experiencing Covid-like symptoms or becoming positive, whichever comes first. 

Each day your instructor will evaluate your participation and record a score. 

Your daily participation will be graded as follows:

100 points

 All of the following: arrives on time, attends entire class period, participates by responding to questions or offering to answer, regularly raises hand to contribute, speaks Spanish to the class and the instructor and in small groups, works well with others, has a positive and respectful attitude. Sources of distraction such as cell phones or laptops are not out.  Instructor is very aware of the student presence and engagement. 

50 points

 Any one of the following: arrives late (5 minutes or more after class has started), leaves early, does not participate in activities as instructed, speaks English to the class or to the instructor, speaks English in small groups, does not work well with others. Sources of distraction such as cell phones or laptops are out. Instructor cannot always tell whether the student is engaged. 

0 points

More than one of anything listed in the 1-point description and/or any one of the following: is absent or disruptive, has a negative attitude and/or shows disrespectful behavior. 

A special note on cell phones & smart watches

Except for the use of your cell phone for Tareas Finales or on a few occasions allowed by your instructor, your instructor will have a zero-tolerance policy for using cell phones in class. This includes texting, checking your inbox, or even looking at your cell phone screen to check the time. When you come to class, put your phone on silent and keep it in your pocket, purse, or backpack. This is a matter of respect, both for the instructor and your classmates. If the instructor sees you using your cell phone, she will stop class and ask you to leave the classroom to attend to your phone. 

Our classroom community

We are a community of inclusion and respect! Disrespectful behavior of any kind will not be tolerated in the classroom. If you feel there is an issue in class, speak with your instructor as soon as possible.