Instructor Drop-In Hours

If your instructor's drop-in hours do not work for you, email them to set up an appointment that works for both of you.

DROP-IN HOURS: One required visit

Student Drop-In Hours is a time reserved for you! As your professor, I am here to guide you through this course and support your learning in LAS. Tell me about your academic life at UIC. Come discuss the material presented in the course. Ask questions about your assignments. I am looking forward to working with you this semester!

  • One REQUIRED visit during the whole semester. This visit figures into the participation grade.

    • Visiting one drop-in hour=100% participation for one day

    • Not visiting any drop-in hours=0 participation for one day

Please look up your instructor's drop-in hours and plan to visit them at least once this semester.

You are welcome to visit as many times as is useful to you, of course!

  • What if I have a time conflict with my instructor's drop-in hour?

    • Email your instructor to find a time that works for both of you.

  • Why go to drop-in hours?

    • When students establish personal connections with faculty, they are more likely to succeed.

    • Facilitate meaningful dialogue, promote a sense of belonging and encourage help-seeking behavior.

    • An opportunity to ask questions about any aspect of the class that you find challenging or interesting.

    • A way to start a conversation with your instructor that will help them better collaborate with you.

French Instructor Open Drop-In Sessions