Classroom Guidelines

We invite you to let your instructor know what your pronouns and preferred name are:

Feel free to send an email, to come to drop-in hours, or to email to set up an in-person or Zoom meeting with your instructor about this.  We also encourage you to let UIC know your preferred first name [] and to indicate your preferred name pronouns on Blackboard settings [].  

Respect and collaboration: Enjoy the experience of teamwork and treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Our classroom is a community: we aim to be respectful and generous with each other. Your instructor will treat you with respect, in class, in drop-in hours, and on email. Plan to do the same every time you interact with your instructor or other students.

Attendance is required:

Success in this class depends partly on your attendance and participation (15% of the final grade). You learn French by speaking it. See here for the attendance policy for this class.

Netiquette (Online Etiquette)

Please use the following rules of netiquette as you post to online discussions and send messages to your instructor and fellow students in the course:

Daily homework required:

There is daily homework for this class. You need practice to improve your French. To see what is due each day, see the Assignment Calendar. Contact your instructor with any questions.

Late homework is not accepted unless you have an excused absence or a documented technical problem.

Electronic devices:

You may use a device to access the materials needed for class. 

You will use a laptop or tablet in this class to access course materials.

If you are reading/sending text messages or checking email during class, you are not paying attention, and this will be reflected in your participation grade.

During an exam, using a phone/tablet/laptop will be understood by your instructor as an attempt to send or receive information about the exam (see information about Academic Dishonesty).

No eating during class:

You need your mouth to speak French with during class!

Academic Integrity (avoiding cheating and plagiarism):

You must work completely alone on anything (all kinds of homework, exams, writing etc.) turned in for a grade. Cheating = taking credit for someone else’s work. Consequences for cheating/plagiarism may include: a zero on the assignment, an F in the class, expulsion from UIC. See Academic Dishonesty on this syllabus for more examples of what cheating is in this class.