Study Buddies

French 102 Study Buddies!

Please read the below information for details.

Here’s the link to get started connecting with other 102 students for student-led study pairs or groups.

Here’s the link for French peer tutoring as another student-to-student option.

What is a Study Buddy?

Studying with other students can be fun and helpful for all students.

Are you a commuter? Live on or near campus? Find working with other students helps you keep on schedule and remember information better?

Study Buddies could work for you! All students in French 102 are eligible to participate in this optional way to find other 102 students to study with. See below for how to find other students.

You control it: Once you connect with another 102 student, you will decide when to meet, how to meet (we recommend online), and what aspects of the class you’ll work on.

*Only UIC French 102 students have access to this service.

Other options for study help:

French Peer Tutoring: free, online and in person. Here’s the schedule.

How do I connect with a Study Buddy for French 102?

  • Click this link to access a sign up sheet for each week of the semester.

  • Click the week(s) and time(s) when you want to study with someone.

  • Enter your name and UIC email on your available day(s) and time(s).

  • Reach out to anyone who has already entered their name in the same time slots or wait for someone to contact you.

  • Check back if there’s no one at the times you select: someone may sign up later in the week.

  • You can meet in groups of two or more, whatever is comfortable for you.

  • Plan to meet online if you do not already know the other student(s). If you decide to meet in person, choose a public place and make sure you agree about mask wearing and social distancing.

Tips for setting up a study meeting:

  • Plan to meet online: this gives you the most flexibility and safety

  • Agree on how you will do that (Google Meet, Zoom, any way that works for you both)

  • Agree on how long you want to meet.

  • Anything else you want the other student(s) to know before you meet? Your pronouns?

Tips for working together:

  • Start the first session by getting to know each other. Why did you choose French? What’s your major? What do you want to do after UIC, if you know?

  • Have your materials ready (e-book, book, notes, exercises, class slides).

  • Plan together ways you may want to study for class. For example: do homework on your own first and then review in session together; do book exercises together; go over class notes, etc. *Be clear about doing your own work, especially if you meet about an assignment you will turn in.

  • Use different methods of studying together. Here are some ideas: one person explains a concept they understand; discuss the main points of the chapter, share flashcards or Quizlets, test each other on vocabulary, practice pronunciation, work on conversational skills, etc.

Safe Meeting Practices:

  • Meet online, any way that works for you both: Zoom, Google Meet, Duo, Facetime, Skype…

  • If you do meet in person, choose a public place on the UIC campus, and follow masking and social distancing best practices. Try the UIC Safe App to let your friends know where you are.

  • Only share your UIC email address on the sign-up sheet and when meeting with the other student(s).

  • Avoid sharing personal information with Study Buddies until you know them pretty well.

  • If you don’t feel completely comfortable online or in person, leave.

Are Study Buddy sessions graded?

No. A Study Buddy session is a way for students to connect and study concepts from French 101. It's entirely student-led.

Do I report Study Buddy Sessions to my instructor?

No. You do not need to report to your instructor about your session. There is no course credit for this program.

Other options for study help:

French Peer Tutoring: free, online and in person. Here’s the schedule.

Have fun connecting with other students and studying together!