Required Materials
Required materials
1. Vis-à-Vis 8th edition through Connect (eBook)
Plan to purchase by the first day of class as there is homework in the first week!
a. Connect is the online site that contains an E-Book copy of the textbook Vis-à-Vis (8th ed.) in addition to the online homework.
b. Buy access to Connect on our Blackboard site for the cheapest price. See below for prices and how to buy through our Blackboard site.
NOTE: While students can purchase a hard copy of the text, they are not required and are optional. Additionally, hard-copy texts DO NOT provide access to Connect, which would still have to be purchased independently. Remember, Connect is required!
a. Free to set up and then use with your UIC email address.
Purchasing Options:
-- If you are having financial issues, please talk to your LAS advisor immediately: they may be able to help.
Required text: Vis-à-Vis *8th edition
Option #1: Buy eBook through Blackboard and Connect = BEST VALUE
- Two-week free trial access
- See instructions below regarding how to register an account with Connect
- You can still purchase a separate loose-leaf edition of the text at a discounted price if they desire (optional)
NOTE: If you are planning to take French 101 and 102, the cheapest is to get the one-year access.103 and 104 course materials are free.
Option #2: At the UIC Bookstore = MORE EXPENSIVE
- A package including all required materials (textbook and online access code for Connect/ McGraw Hill online materials, ISBN: 9781265481575) is available at UIC Bookstore
- This includes 2-year access to Connect/McGraw Hill with a loose-leaf book
- See instructions below regarding how to register an account with Connect
- No discounts available through the UIC Bookstore!
*Want a hard copy? You can get the loose-leaf text at a discount with purchase of Connect (see option #1).
Computer requirements:
Use of a computer with Firefox or Chrome browser. These are free downloads.
A microphone - one built into your computer, your own headset (headphones with microphone), or check out a headset free at Daley Library.
Internet/strong wireless at home or at any of the free computer labs on the UIC campus -
Your UIC NetID and password to log in to Blackboard and Google Workspace.
Optional Study Aid:
English Grammar for Students of French (Jacqueline Morton): ISBN 0934034427