
What is SafeAssign?

Safe Assign checks for plagiarism and cheating (using a computer translator or someone else’s work rather than doing your own work). 

Instructors also check all assignments for cheating and plagiarism. 

Consequences of cheating and plagiarism may be: a zero on the assignment; an F in the class; suspension or expulsion from UIC. Read the statement on Academic Dishonesty on this syllabus.

How to submit work on SafeAssign:

To upload a document from your computer:

Click on “Browse my computer,” upload the document, click Submit. 

To copy/paste (rather than upload document):

Click on "Write submission" and paste into the box that then appears (NOT THE COMMENT BOX).

DO NOT write directly in this box. Write in Word or another program and copy/paste. If you write directly in here, you may lose your work!

**If you do not get a percentage (%) report when you submit, you probably pasted into the Comment box.  Try again until you see a %.**

For a video explanation, see below!

Having technical trouble submitting with Safe Assign? Contact LTS staff at or email Blackboard support staff: