Sluggo is a work in progress issue tracker for Slugbotics, which aims to replace our use of Trello, and encourage more coordination and tracking of tasks on the team. A prototype version was created using py4web and Vue, which is accessible to the left. A rewrite is in progress using Django for the backend and Vue for the frontend. Our goal is to develop this tracker and have a usable version by Spring 2021.
Video Demonstration
Development Resources
Frontend Web Tutorials
Learn Web Development - MDN - Content on the basics of HTML/CSS/JS, for absolute beginners to web development
Vue.js Course (strongly recommended) - This course covers Vue.js in depth, and is recommended for learning how to contribute to the frontend.
Bulma CSS - Frontend CSS framework, used for its builtin layout and theming.
Essential TypeScript - a book on TypeScript
CSE 183 Spring 2020 - Luca De Alfaro's offering of Web Applications from Spring 2020. Some useful information sprinkled in here, although much is not exactly relevant (using a different web server and server-sided rendering). Still, some lectures, such as the Security lectures and the content on Bulma/HTML, are useful.
Slack Tutorials
Build - A short book by Slack on an introduction to creating Slack APIs.
App UI Guidelines - Another short book by Slack on Slack App "best practices".
Start Building Slack Apps - An online tutorial/wiki on the Slack API.
Backend Tutorials (recommended readings)
Relational Database concepts - Should provide some insight behind the database design.
DRF Tutorial - Provides a brief overview on some of the Django Rest Framework features
Django Treebeard - Documentation on the library used to efficiently manage tickets and other tree structures. Focus on materialized path.
Django Serializers - Documentation on serializer classes.
REST for beginners - Overview on RESTful design.
iOS Programming Resources
Xcode (IDE, macOS) - IDE used for programming Apple applications.
Learning Swift and iOS
Hacking With Swift - An online book with lots of tutorials that will walk you through building an iOS app. Use the UIKit version linked, not the SwiftUI one. You probably won't need to go through the whole thing but this is a well recommended tutorial for learning iOS development.
The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.3, Apple, Apple Books) - A comprehensive guide on the Swift programming language by Apple. On Apple Books so only readable on macOS or iPad.
Swift Playgrounds (macOS) - A game-driven tutorial created by Apple which lets you program snippets of Swift and learn the language. Targeted at kids but might be useful to mess with snippets of Swift.