How to File a 204 Form

Updated February 9, 2020

Hello and welcome to the world of UC Santa Cruz paperwork. I will be your guide through this long and horribly tedious process. If you have any questions just DM me on Slack (@rmeckel) and I’ll answer as soon as I can.

First things first, you will need to download a 204 form, known to the University as a “Payee Setup 204”. These can be found here ( If that link doesn’t work, Googling ‘204 form UCSC’ should pull up the right page.

Click on ‘Payee Setup 204’ -> INDIVIDUAL / SOLE PROPRIETOR -> download that form/open in browser.

First make sure your document has the information from this document ( copied into it initially (save for the CA resident box if that doesn’t apply to you). Mainly this concerns the preliminary information.

I’m going to go through each section and clarify the parts that are possibly confusing. Please follow along to make sure everything goes smoothly and you don’t have to redo this document after it is submitted.

Section 1

  • Don’t check the box indicating this is an update to your info. (unless it is)

  • DBA (doing business as)

    • Not applicable. Leave blank

  • Permanent Remittance Address

    • This is your permanent mailing address. Put an address that will be the same for a few years, like your home address (or P.O Box). There should be no reason for UCSC to mail you anything.

  • Campus Mail Stop

    • Don’t fill this out. This is for staff/employees, not students

Section 2

  • Check the box for UCSC Student

Section 3

  • Check Reimbursement

Section 4

  • Yes, you do need to give your Social Security number.

    • This form cannot be submitted without it

Section 5

  • Fill out as applicable

    • If you are not a citizen (Foreign Permanent Resident) attach a copy of your green card

Section 6


    • This section is business oriented and you do live in California (attending UCSC)

Section 7

  • Check the box indicating your info is correct

  • Don’t forget to sign this form after you print it

Congrats, you made it through your first page of UCSC paperwork and survived! Now it’s onto the next one. This one is where you will provide your bank information so you can be reimbursed by the University for expenses.

Again, I will walk you through the confusing parts of each section.

Section 1

  • Nothing out of the ordinary here, just tick the appropriate box at the top.

Section 2

  • Select which type of account you would like your reimbursements deposited to


    • You need to print out a bank statement from your bank with the info requested (Full name, account numbers, and bank logo)

    • Your bank should offer a way to do this online, if you aren’t sure, Google is your friend.

    • Print the statement out (can be just the very first page [provided it has all that])

Section 3

  • Answer to your specific case. Likely this will only be the case if you live outside the country.

Section 4

  • Leave Title blank

You made it through a whole form! Great work champ. Know that your journey is only beginning, there are more forms ahead of you. Now at this point you should go ahead and print this form (only the first 2 pages) and your bank statement (again, only need one page if it has all that info). Sign where it needs signing and give it a thorough proofreading.

You can submit these forms in four different ways:

  1. Mail the form using Intercampus Mail (Recommended + Free)

    1. Let me (Ryan) know that you have completed the form and are choosing to submit this way

    2. Note: This requires you to go to campus, but you do not need to place postage on your letter

    3. Address the envelope with the following

      1. In return address area

        1. Slugbotics

        2. Thimann Receiving

        3. Thimann 376

      2. In Recipient area

        1. Accounting Office

        2. Mailstop: FAR

    4. Deposit this in one of the WHITE intercampus mailboxes on campus (NOT USPS BLUE BOXES)

      1. These are white and are clearly labeled

      2. Locations can be found on this page (

    5. Done!

  2. Mail the form using USPS

    1. Let me (Ryan) know that you have completed the form and are choosing to submit this way

    2. Mail the form + bank statement to

      1. UCSC

      2. 1156 High Street

      3. Mailstop: Accounting

      4. Santa Cruz, CA 95064

    3. Done!

  3. Fax the form to UCSC (idk how to use a fax machine)

    1. Let me (Ryan) know that you have completed the form and are choosing to submit this way

    2. Fax the 204 and bank statement/voided check to

      1. 831-459-5037

    3. Done!

  4. Give the form to Ryan in person

    1. Let me (Ryan) know that you have completed the form and are choosing to submit this way

    2. Work out a time to give me the paperwork

    3. I will let you know when it has been submitted

    4. Done!

If there’s something that is unclear or incorrect in this document let me (@rmeckel) know on Slack and I will fix it.