Computer Aided Design (Mechanical)

Mechanical Onboarding

The mechanical module of CRSN-151C will introduce you to the basics of CAD design using the 3d modeling software SolidWorks. Solidworks is a powerful, industry standard tool used to draft mechanical drawings and 3d representations of a part or device. Students will learn the SolidWorks tools and skills necessary to draft their own parts either from a mechanical drawing or of their own creation.

Additionally, students will become familiar with the digital post-processing skills necessary to use a CAD file for 3d printing and CNC manufacturing. This also includes learning the basic operating principles of 3d printers and CNC routers.

How to use this website:

Linked below are a few resources relevant to the 151c Computer Aided Design course as well as mechanical on boarding. These resources are slightly different than what can be found on Canvas because the content here is designed to be accessed year round, not just during a CRSN151c class. If you are currently enrolled in the class, it is recommended that you use the Canvas page in order to stay up to date, but if you are just looking for some resources, the below information will do fine.

SolidWorks Reference Videos

Below are a series of video tutorials designed to help you learn some of the basic SolidWorks tools. These are NOT recordings of lectures. Please reference Canvas if you are currently enrolled in 151c and are looking for a lecture recording.