
Lesson (25 mins):

Classroom Code / Project: Make a Song, Sense a Sound

Equipment:  (1 for each Trainee) 



In Game Application

Sound Output

The micro:bit has an on-board speaker that lets it make different sounds (all in various flavors of “beep” — it’s not a particularly complex speaker). It can play specific notes or even short songs.

Facilitator guides the students through “Make a Song” Project:

Sound Input - Loud / Soft Sounds

The micro:bit also had an on-board microphone that lets it sense how loud a sound is. At the most basic, you can tell it to use loud or soft sounds as an input (i.e., if the micro:bit senses a loud sound, it should do something).

Sound Input - Loud / Soft Sounds

The microphone can also be used to sense how loud a sound is. 

This is really useful because you can use it to control something depending on the loudness — for instance, to create the impression of a karaoke robot that “sings” to the music, or to have lights pulse in time to a beat.  — > Does this need a pause?? Check code!

Facilitator guides the students through “Sense a Sound” Project:

Open-Ended Exploration (if time permits)

Some ideas for inspiration: