TPE 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

- Uses instructional time effectively (4.4)

- Uses UDL strategies and modifications (4.4)

- Developmentally, linguistically and culturally appropriate learning activities (4.4)

- Plans opportunities for students to support each other in learning (4.4)

- Plans instruction to promote communication strategies and activity modes T-S and

S-S (4.7)

Meaning for art candidates:

● Timing is everything in a studio lab course. Understanding how to get student buy in quickly on lessons and how to engage their creativity within

the first few minutes of class is also important. One of the biggest openings for bad behaviior is not having enough for students to do, lag

between projects and too much open studio time where students that have a hard time staying on task…roam about.

● Good rule of thumb - rolling turn in dates, start a lesson before the previous one is complete, require steps within the lesson like demos, proposals,

research papers ( art history, news reports, budgets) intermittently throughout each project/unit. 

● Work in groups - allow students to get ideas from each other, crit together and have peer panels help make design choices. This is the best part about

being an artist amongst other artists…ideas, inspirations, truth telling and help if needed.

● Run the classroom like an design center. Different students will have different gifts. As much as possible relate each lesson to a career. If

students are doing posters, turn it into a design shop and students work in groups, someone designing options, someone designing the hands on

design in paint, someone transferring to digital platform, someone working budget and communicating with client. All of these initiate multiple

opportunities for invenstiagion , connection, student collaboration and even cross curricular opptotuities to work within different subject matters

or departments.


UCI UDL Strategies


10 Ways to Integrate Art into Your Classroom 

PBS Education - video


Making Connections Through the Arts - The Inspired Classroom - video

What is Arts Integration - article


Express Yourself! Arts Integration in the Classroom | NEA - article

Development and Look For Strategies for Teaching - article


Crossing Curriculum and Kinesthetic Learning Ideas