TPE 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

- Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter and standards (3.1)

- Demonstrates knowledge of students to organize curriculum (3.2)

- Plans, designs, implements and monitors instruction (3.3)

- Uses/adapts resources to facilitate equitable access to the curriculum (3.6)

Meaning for art candidates:

Candidates should be well versed in fine art mediums, art history, and skill sets needed to teach the course given. If not, YouTube videos and courses are abundant at private and public institutions that can quickly prepare candidates for the classroom. Understanding specific age groups and the psychology of that age group is also important. At the beginning candidates should ask a lot of questions and prepare lessons that dig deep into getting to know students, how they think, what they are struggling with, what conversations they would like to have at school, about school, and about peer groups, beliefs and permission to visually speak up.

All lessons should be documented in district platforms with simple instructions that a student or sub can understand. Cataloging lessons will prevent a candidate from having to teach the lesson over and over throughout the year as new students come in or are absent. It is also important if the curriculum is going to stay similar each year.  To help inform students questions and to lay out grading strategies, the how and why of each lesson should be written out.  It is advised to also have students be accountable for this information by inviting students to take notes, writing down the objective in a notebook, digital notebook or even on the back of the lesson for later reference. 


Art Basics Notebook - Unit Assignment


This notebook assignment takes several weeks to complete. Works well with level one

students and as a semester-long project. Can be turned in for a final or midterm

assignment. The idea is to have students define the elements of art in a graphic, text,

and symbol. They should use hands-on materials and transfer to digital devices. This

suffices as a digital literacy unit as well as gin-studio classes.

Presentation of notebooks can be digital or printed out. It’s nice to share notebooks

with peers in a group critique. Idea: share notebooks with elementary teachers as a

resource for teaching elements of design to younger grades. In the past, our high

school classes have made posters of their color wheels and passed them out to

elementary schools in the district.

Basic Art Vocabulary List and Test:
