Shared Observations

  • 1.5 hours

This module provides answers to the following questions:

    • How are shared observations organized?
    • What are the benefits of engaging in collaborative observations of student teachers?
    • What is the observation tool/template supervisors and mentors can use for observations?
    • How can mentor teachers engage in reflective conversations with their student teachers using the UCI Debrief Protocol?
UCI Shared Observation.pptx

In the Google Slide presentation above, the shared observation process is described. In addition, 2 current UCI supervisors share their thoughts about the potential benefits of participating in a collaborative observation and debrief discussion.

Supervisor Candidate Formative Evaluation final draft MT.docx

This document provides guidelines for leading a debrief discussion after an observation, as well as, an observation template for recording notes and feedback. The observation protocol represented in this document is aligned with the Teaching Performance Expectations and is the same protocol followed by the UCI supervisor.

UCI Observation Protocol