BAP Resources

History, Articles, Books and Websites

Learn more about our BAP and other resources used in our BAP seminars and/or undergraduate bilingual education minor courses.

History of our Bilingual Authorization Program

In the spring of 2021, the CTC officially approved the Bilingual Authorization Program (BAP) for Spanish within the School of Education's MAT program. Prior to the fall of 2021, the UCI School of Education MAT program graduated over 150 bilingual candidates since 2002; most of them were certificated to teach in Spanish, but also in Mandarin and Korean. Many bilingual alumni are now mentor teachers for our BAP. The inaugural year graduated 16 bilingual candidates in the spring of 2022 (pictured here). 

Some MAT BAP candidates have a UCI minor in Spanish/English bilingual education from the the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UCI. In partnership with the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the minor in bilingual education was specifically developed to increase the amount of future bilingual teachers for our local dual language immersion schools. This allows undergraduates to learn more about bilingual education, strengthen their Spanish skills through various language courses and gain 40 hours of fieldwork experience in the surrounding dual language immersion schools before they enter a graduate level program. The bilingual education minor program is a pathway into our MAT BAP program. 

During the 2022-23 academic year, the BAP team prepared to transition to the new BTPEs for implementation in the 2023-24 academic year. Bilingual candidates will be expected to meet these BTPEs in addition to the regular TPEs already in place. With this implementation, bilingual candidates will not have to take CSET Spanish subtests IV and V. They will only be required to take the CSET Spanish subtest III. If bilingual education minors completed the newly designed classes in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, they will additionally be waived from taking the CSET Spanish subtest III; components of subtest III will be embedded in the fall of 2023-24 Spanish and fieldwork undergraduate classes.

The 2023-24 academic school year also establishes our inaugural class of teacher residents at Gates Elementary School. Six teacher residents were selected for this teacher residency grant. The grant will run for five years, offering our bilingual candidates financial support for their tuition and an employment opportunity at Gates after they graduate.

Our MAT BAP candidates are highly sought after. Their hiring rate is consistently well above 90% with most years being at a 100%. Placements are a critical component for their growth. Bilingual mentor teachers, like you, contribute to our success.

Abbreviated Books Required in the Bilingual Education Minor Program 

Baker, C. & Wright, W. E. ( 2021). Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (7th ed.). Multilingual Matters

Beeman, K. & Urow, C. (2013). Teaching for Biliteracy, Strengthening Bridges between Languages. Caslon

Abbreviated List of Books/Articles for BAP Seminars

These resources are either required or listed as additional resources for specific MAT BAP Seminars. If you would like access to the articles listed, please send an email to: Susan Guilfoyle, BAP Coordinator,


Ada, A.F. & Campoy, I. (2018). Palabra amiga, domina el idioma. Velázquez Press.

Baker, C. & Wright, W.E. ( 2021). Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (7th ed.). Multilingual Matters.


Cervantes-Soon, C.G., et al. (2017). Combating Inequalities in Two-Way Language Immersion Programs: Toward Critical Consciousness in Bilingual Education Spaces. Review of Research in Education, 41, 403-427

Collier, V.P. & Thomas, W.P. (2017). Validating the Power of Bilingual Schooling: Thirty-Two Years of Large-Scale, Longitudinal Research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 37, 1-15, DOI: 10.1017/S0267190517000034

Howard, E.R., et al. (2018). Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (3rd. ed.). Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

Malik-Moraleda, S., et al. (2022). An investigation across 45 languages and 12 language families reveals a universal language network. Nature Neuroscience, DOI link:

Sánchez, M.T., García, O. & Solorza, C. (2018). Reframing language allocation policy in dual language bilingual education. Bilingual Research Journal, 41:1, 37-51, DOI: 10.1080/15235882.2017.1405098

Valdés, G. (1997). Dual-Language Immersion Programs: A Cautionary Note Concerning the Education of Language-Minority Students. Harvard Educational Review. 67:3, 391-429


Bilingualism Matters

The UCI School of Education has officially opened a branch of Bilingualism Matters in California and will host several events throughout the year. This is the only West Coast branch. Most branches are in Europe and the East Coast (see map). The local bilingual community will be involved and I will be sure to invite all of you. More news soon!


Translanguaging guides for your school.

UCI Bilingual Teacher

You can find several archived posts here that give you more information about our bilingual program. If you graduated from our program, you may find some pictures of you on there! There are other tabs that may be informative too. 

Book Fairs and Bookstores 


Excellent high quality authentic Spanish books.

Latinx Kidlit Book Festival 

Book festival held in the fall online.

LéaLA Feria del libro en Español y Festival Literario

Incredible book festival in Spanish held in Los Angeles.

Share Resources with Student Teacher

Please share any valuable resources with your student teacher. You can also ask them what they are learning in their classes that apply to your class.

Recommended Resources for our Bilingual Community

If you have a valuable resource you would like to share, please send to: Susan Guilfoyle, BAP Coordinator,


Barbian, E., Gonzales, G. C. & Mejía, P. (Eds.). (2017). Rethinking Bilingual Education, Welcoming home languages in our classrooms. Rethinking Schools.

Flores, N., Tseng, A., & Subtirelu, N. (Eds.). (2021). Bilingualism for All? Raciolinguistic Perspectives on Dual Language Education in the United States. Multilingual Matters.

During winter quarter, bilingual candidates will be getting ready to interview and in the spring, practitioners from the dual immersion field or bilingual researchers will guest speak in our BAP seminars. If CABE is local, then bilingual candidates will be attending 1-2 days and will need to be excused from their student teaching site. 

If you would like to guest speak, please send an email to: Susan Guilfoyle, BAP Coordinator,