Learning Activity #4

Reflection Blog Activity

For this activity, students will compose a blog post to share what they created in learning activities 1-3. They will then be required to write a reflection about the process of using online applications in UX research by answering the prompts listed below. After sharing their blog post URL to the class, students will view their peers blog posts and provide feedback on their created research study projects and reflections.

Compose a blog post that will include the following:

  • URLs to each of their UX research study projects from learning activities 1-3. Make sure the links work and are shareable to the class. They may include multiple links from the same project if they show different perspectives. (ex. participant vs researcher view).
  • Under each URL, they will write a summary or description of what they created.
  • Students will write a reflection that answers the following prompts. Aim for at least a page in length.
            • What did you learn about using UX research applications?
            • Did you learn anything new about the UX research process? Explain.
            • Do you feel UX research applications improve research results? Why or why not?
            • In your opinion, what are some negatives and positives with using online UX research applications in a major research study?

Students will share their blog post URL to the class for peers to review.

Peer Review:

Students will view their peers blog posts, and review their learning activity research projects and reflections. Students will be required to comment and provide feedback on their peers creations and reflections. The goal is to provide helpful feedback to help the students grow and learn how to improve in the UX research process while gaining new perspectives in UX research study design.