Learning Activity #2

Optimal Workshop Activity

In this activity, students will use the online application Optimal Workshop to learn how they can use the software to create multiple forms of UX research methods. The purpose of this activity is for students to demo each of the UX research methods from a participant perspective to gain a working understanding of how each will work in their own research. Students will then be required to select two of the UX methods and create their own that will be shared (see learning activity #4).

  1. Students will go to Optimal Workshop and register for an account using their student Gmail account. Make sure they select the free plan.
  2. Students will review the resource materials and explore the website interface.
  3. Students will need to review the demos of every UX research method.
  4. For this activity, students will be required to create two different UX studies. They may select whatever two methods to create these studies using a topic of their choice. Since this is for practice using UX research method applications, make sure students do not choose a difficult topic for this activity.
  5. Depending on their chosen research method, students will be required to have a minimum of 10 groups/questions in each of their research studies.
  6. Students will need to make their studies shareable via URL that will be needed in lesson activity #4.

Example of first-click testing.