Learning Activity #1

MindMeister Activity

In this activity students will use the online application MindMeister to learn how to create a digital mind map that can be used in their UX research. The purpose of this lesson is for the student to explore and demo the tools of the application to see how it can be a valuable assist in conducting research. Because this activity is more for understanding how to utilize the application for research, students will create a basic mind map of the topic of their choice, that will be shared to the class (see learning activity #4).


  1. Students will go to MindMeister and create an account. Make sure they use their student Gmail account for registering. Make sure students select the basic (free) plan for their accounts.
  2. Students will review the resources to complete this activity and follow along to get a basic understanding of how to use the application.
  3. Students will pick a topic for their mind map that they will create for this lesson activity. The selected topic should allow to student to create multiple levels in their mind map. students should aim for at least one 4th level sibling.
  4. Students will create their mind map and are allowed to design it anyway they choose.
  5. When completed, students will need to create a shareable URL of their mind map that they will need to use for lesson activity #4.